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(Jimin's POV)


Why is mother calling me?

Tugging his phone out his jeans pocket Jimin disconnects himself from the girl he's currently flirting with and presses the phone against his ear, his current mood already soured the second her voice sounds over the small device.

"What do you want."

"A hello would be nice son."

"Don't have the time. What do you want."

"Well, your university has called me and said you're lacking in almost every class you're taking."

"Uh huh."


"Has it ever occurred to you that I don't want to be a lawyer?"

"That's ridiculous."

Of course it is.

"You need to start having better attendance and begin going to class and bring your grades up."

"And why should I do that?"

"Because if you don't you're going to be stuck in that apartment until your grades improve."

"I thought I was only stuck there until my "attitude improved."

"Uh huh, and part of that sour attitude is not taking your schooling seriously. You're going to become a great attorney and take over our firm one day, you need to learn discipline and how to work hard for your future."

Our firm?


"Still not seeing how this is going to affect me in any way."

"Get your ass to your classes and bring your grades up or you can kiss your cellphone and everything else I pay for goodbye."

"YOU don't pay for anything-"

"Park Jimin! I am serious and I do not have the time for your consistent disrespect! Get to class, and get your grades up immediately!"

Before Jimin can speak his mind he grits his teeth when he hears the click of the phone hanging up, every ounce of blood in his body boiling with frustration and anger.

That bitch.

What right does she have to take my shit from me?


He physically cringes at the girls sickly sweet voice so he simply scoffs and makes his way into the deep mass of people making their way up the stairs towards the classrooms that line the expensively decorated hallways.

Get my grades up?


Almost halfway through a semester she thinks I'm going to just magically get them up to the A+ that she demands?

She has another thing coming.

Stupid bitch.

Sluffing his way into the classroom Jimin allows his back to smack against the floor and he stares at the wall, his arms stretches across the desk as the teacher walks in and begins talking to the class in the fake professional tone all professors use.

"Alright class, today we will be taking notes, so get out your books."


You have to have books?

Picking his bag up to his lap and sifting through it he frowns when he notices the absence of any notebooks, only a different array of snacks and colognes.


Spinning around in his desk his eyes flick up to meet the small girl's behind him, his heart cinching when her soft doe eyes meet his gaze and her baby soft cheeks tint a small shade of pink.

"Do you have a piece of paper I can borrow?"

"U-Um y-yeah! S-sure!"

Watching her tiny form move to rip a piece of paper out of her notebook Jimin scoffs at the girls sending poisonous words the girl's way, his eyes taking a second to look her up and down.

That's the girl that was staring at me in the cafeteria.

What an odd girl.

Watching the way her lip clasps between her teeth when she shyly hands him the piece of paper Jimin's eyebrows furrow and crease as he looks back up into the girls eyes with light confusion.

"Have I met you before?"

The girl suddenly jumps in light surprise and quickly shakes her head, her voice raising a few octaves when she sends him a nervous smile.

"Um..I've been sitting behind you this whole time..."

"Ah. Right. My bad."

Quickly turning himself around and laying the piece of paper on his desk he taps his chin with his pen and pretends to scribble things on it as the teacher drones on and on about useless things, Jimin's mind beginning to wander away.

That girl is weird.

I'm sure I've met her somewhere before.

She isn't hot or anything so I know I didn't sleep with her.

Maybe it's because she dresses weird.

No...that isn't it.

That lip bite...I recognize it...

Turning around to face the girl again once class ends he watches her jump again and shyly meet his gaze with a red face, his eyes quickly scanning her form once again.

"I could have sworn-"

"Hyung! Come on!"


"Coming Jungkook."

Quickly grabbing his bag and racing out of the room he joins his best friend who gives him the usual bunny like smile he's had since they were kids, his arm moving around the older male's shoulder.

"Who was that girl?"

"I really don't know, I thought I recognized her from somewhere."

"I've seen her around the halls, I think I have a class with her too. Is she one of your next targets?"

"What? Ew no. She dresses weird. There isn't a pretty thing about her at all. Not my type."

"Hyung girls looks go deeper than what they wear. Geez."

"Not what I'm looking for. I like sexy girls."

"Ugh. You're so gross."


"Hyung, do you want me to bring my videgames over to your house tonight? I can buy some chicken and beer as well."


"Yeah! I got a little bonus from my parents for acing my exams."

"Good for you. My mother threatened to cut me off completely if I didn't get my grades up."

"Oh...well then do I need to come over for a study session?!"


"I'm just joking Hyung."

"Yeah because we both know you cheated off of all of yours."

"What my parents don't know won't hurt them. Plus Hyung you and I still have our dream we can achieve!"

"Yeah...I guess so."

Not if I can't get this bitch off my back.

(A/N): biggest Oofies. Any theories yet?

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