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Okay Y/N.

You just have to act natural.

Don't let anyone know you feel like you're going to throw up everywhere.

Leaning your head against the window of the car you grip your stomach with the growing nausea causing bile to rise in your throat, your face draining of all color and sweat beading on the back of your neck.

Oh dear.

My body may not be used to eating real food.

I've had plain rice my whole life.

Biting down on your lip hard you try your hardest to contain yourself as you curl up in the backseat and let out a small whimper, gaining an odd look from your driver.

"Uh Miss Y/N-"

"Can you stop the car?!"

As the driver comes to a quick stop you stumble out of the car and empty your stomach into the grass on the side of the highway and grip your stomach hard, your fingers turning white holding onto your sweater.

Ugh come on baby...

We have to act natural for a while!

You can't make me sick like this!

"Miss Y/N? Do you need to go to the hospital?"

"U-Um n-no! No...I'm sorry...I've just been feeling unwell lately...n-no problem! I probably caught something from school."

Your driver gives you a deep look of disgust and returns to the drivers seat as you pick yourself up off of the ground and dust your knees off, a sudden sense of shame taking over your sick form.

Gosh...why is everyone so mean to me?...

He could have helped me up at least...

Throwing your bag back in the car and sliding into your seat you rest your head on the expensive leather and wipe off the sweat on your forehead with your sleeve you, sniffling and chasing away a few stray tears that gather on your eyelashes.


"Your mother has instructed me to take you to the market and have you pick up some bags of rice. She said the house is out of it."


Mother...wants me to pick up rice?

She's never asked me to do that before...

"Why would she-"

"Don't question the lady of the house. I have the instructions and you are to follow them."

Frowning and crossing your arms at your chest you bite your lower lip again while gazing out the window at the different businesses that suddenly pass you by, all the new sights giving you a slight sense of anxiety.

I can't even lift a bag of rice?

How many does she want?

The maids she hires usually does something like this...why would she have me?

I've never even been to a market before...I've never been allowed anywhere other than school and home my whole life....well...Minnie's house only a handful of times....and...the party...

Smiling and quietly sliding your hand over your belly you lay your chin on the door and rest your forehead against the cool glass window, your eyes almost desperately taking in all the sights around you.

Wow...there's so many buildings here..I never knew all of this existed...

Is mother finally starting to give me freedoms?!

Is this it?!

Maybe she realizes I'm an adult and is finally going to let me start doing tasks like this!

Well...I don't want to hurt my baby though...

Can I lift heavy things?

Your mind races with hundreds of thoughts at once as you watch the driver pull up to a run down market and sling his arm back with money clasped between his gloved fingers, his eyes cutting down in an intimidating glare.

"Two bags of rice. Go inside and tell the clerk you are here for the lady of the house and they will know what to do."


This is amazing!

"Can I get-"

"Get nothing else but the rice. The lady knows exactly how much it is so she will know what you buy."


Swallowing hard and timidly making your way out of the car you jump when the sliding glass doors creak open, a pungent floor cleaner smell hitting your nose the second you step into the old building.

Wow...this place smells weird.

"Hi, how can I help you?"

"U-Um..I Uh...I'm here for the...lady of the house?..."

"Ah, I see. We'll have the rice out soon, the usual two bags?"


Handing the middle aged man the money you get the change and look around at all the different sweets that line the shelves of the checkout lines, your clothing gaining you odd looks from the families shopping with their small children.

Ah...that will be me one day...I'll get to put my baby in one of those cart things and buy them lots of good food to eat...I can't wait...

"We load them in the car Miss, do you have more shopping to do?"

"U-Um No! No that's all..."

Peeling your eyes away from all the delicious food in front of you your feet carry you out of the store and back into the car where the driver collects the money from you and shoves it in a paper bag, his eyes never sending you another glance.

This is so cool...

I finally got to do something outside!

Feeling on top of the world minus the slight nausea that still clutches your form you pull your knees to your chest and allow your lips to stretch into a small grin.

This is the start of an amazing life for me I just know it.


"I will take the bags of rice to the kitchen. You are to go inside Miss Y/N."

Bowing slightly at his harsh tone you sling your bag on your shoulder while making your way up the stairs and pushing the front door open slightly, your eyes scanning the completely empty living room.

Oh...no party?

Huh...that's odd.

Stepping inside of the house you rub your stomach while quickly making your way to your room to not anger your mother, your eyes still looking around every so often to try and locate her.

How odd...she's usually partying with friends?

Maybe they're in the backyard, mother does like garden parties...I watched so many of them from my window...I wish I could wear those fancy dresses and eat tiny food.

Pushing your bedroom door open your eyes land on expensive heels and leather loafers and slowly move up to see both of your parents standing in the middle of your floor, all the blood in your body turning to ice when your peripheral vision catches a small pink item laying ripped to shreds on your bed.

It wasn't a task....

It was a distraction.

(A/N): 🤭

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