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(Y/N's POV)

So pretty....

Keeping your eyes closed and trying your best to make yourself go to sleep amongst the blush still overtaking you're entire face, your thoughts of Jimin's tattoo are interrupted by a small hiccup that comes from the boys direction, one of your eyes opening to gaze at his sleeping form burrowed under his comforter.


...Did Jimin say something?

Lifting your head up from your pillow and rubbing your eyes you lightly sit up and look over Jimin's shoulder to see if he's asleep, a small gasp escaping your lips when you see his entire face and pillow soaked with wet sticky tears.

....Jimin was crying?....


Reaching over his body and tenderly brushing his bangs back off of his face you push your lip out in a light pout feeling his chest lightly bounce with hiccups, his body not moving an inch when your fingers graze his forehead.


His eyes are gonna be puffy tomorrow...


I know.

As quietly as humanly possible you slide off of the mattress and pad down the hallway to your bedroom where your first aid kit still sits opened up on your floor beside the box of clothing, your fingers tenderly picking the box up into your arms and cradling it against your chest.

Nobody wants to go to school with puffy eyes.

That's not good at all.

Crawling back up on the bed and scooting as close to Jimin as possible you pop open the box and pull out a tissue while gently dabbing it under Jimin's eyes to get rid of the tears, a small whimper humming from deep inside the boy's throat.


What could make you this sad....

Maybe it was that terrible rice....rice makes everybody sad.

You could have just asked...I would have given you some pizza too...oh wait but then you might have another bad dream....well still...it's better than rice.

Getting all the tears off of Jimin's eyes and cheeks you reach in the first aid kit again and pull out cooling pads to place on top of each of his eyes, a small smile playing on your lip when you see his chest stop bouncing and his breath begin to slow down.

There we go...that's much better....

Now you can rest well and not have puffy eyes tomorrow.......pretty girls that only care about looks may not like puffy eyes....

Peeling the cooling pads off of Jimin's eyes and pushing your fingers through his thick dark locks you quietly place the first aid kit on the floor before laying back down on your pillow and gazing up at Jimin's sleeping features illuminated by his soft orange nightlight, an odd emotion suddenly gripping your chest.

Those pretty girls like you because you're nice looking....But...do they not see how sad you always are?...

I don't want you to be sad when you go to sleep...

Oh......is that why you wanted me to sleep in here?

Because you're sad?....

Shifting your body closer to Jimin's and placing your forehead on his back you close your eyes and breathe in Jimin's musky cologne scent, your body physically relaxing against his.

There....now you don't have to be sad anymore....

Me and my baby will make you feel better....we'll sleep in here with you so you don't have to feel that way....


You're comfy....and it's nice....




Exhaling a soft breath and curling up under the covers your hands fold the blanket tighter around your body until Jimin's scent hits your nose and you open your eyes, a look of confusion spreading across your face when you see you're still in Jimin's bed.

...Why am I still here?

Usually I'm back in my bed....

Rubbing your eyes and sitting up you search around for Jimin who isn't in the bed and look over at the clock, your eyebrows furrowing together in confusion when you see it's well before time to go to school.

He didn't leave me here then...

Where did he go?

"I modeun geon uyeoni anya~"



When the distant euphoric voice catches your attention you immediately looks towards Jimin's bathroom door and let out a light sigh, your feet carrying you to stand in front of it to hear better.

Is Jimin....singing?....

Pressing your ear against the door a tender smile playing on your cheeks at the delicate voice echoing from inside of the bathroom, your hand moving up to gently rest on your belly.

I didn't know Jimin could sing...

His voice is so pretty....

I've never been able to listen to a lot of music before...I wonder if he made this song or if it's on the radio...

Nibbling on the inside of your lip and wiggling your toes with giddiness your moment is soon interrupted when the bathroom door opens and you fall forward against Jimin, his arm moving forward quickly to keep you from hitting his chest.

"......What are you doing?"

Oh dear.

Oh dear.

Oh dear!

Scrambling backwards and flicking your eyes up to the boy standing in front of you in a pair of loose black jeans and his arms crossed at his chest, his damp black hair tousled around from his towel.


"U-Um I-I j-just....uh...um..."

What do I say?!

"I.....Um....I had to pee."

Your entire face erupts in a deep blush when you realize what you've said and you nervously look up at Jimin, his entire face twisting in confusion and light agitation.

"You have your own bathroom."

"I...Yeah...Yeah I do...."

Turning away from the boy and bolting out of his room as fast as possible you quickly shut your bedroom door and exhale a deep breath, a whimper of embarrassment escaping your lips.

Why did I say that?!

Now he's going to think I'm such a weirdo!

Sliding down your door until you're sitting on the carpet you rub your eyes again and pull your knees to your chest, your thoughts fogged thinking about Jimin's singing voice.

He's a really good singer though....I wonder if he knows his voice is pretty....

Oh well...I better get ready for school or else he'll leave me here...plus...I don't wanna make him mad.

Hopefully he's a little less sad today....

(A/N): Ehe I'm sorry if this is awkward

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