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"Oh! Look at you!"

The second you bolt around the corner of the library to the coffee shop you give Piper a wide smile when she sees your new look, her hands immediately moving up to feel your hair.

"Oh my gosh! It looks so cute!"

"Really?...you think so?..."

"Yeah! Oh...well come with me for a second."

"What? Did I do something wrong?..."

"Nope! I'm just going to fix this piece in the back here it's a little longer than the rest of your hair. Sit sit!"

Quickly sitting down on one of the stools Piper moves in front of her you fold your hands in your lap as she grabs a pair of scissors and pushes her fingers through your hair, the sensation making your eyes lightly flutter.

Woah...that feels nice...

"This is such a cute look for you! Now that your hair is like this you don't have to put it in a ponytail anymore."


"Mhm! Only super long hair has to be tied back. Dang some new clothes too? I like this better than your skirts. No offense!"

"None taken, I like this better than my clothes too.."

Plus...it smells good...I'll give Jimin that...he smells very nice...



"Are you...by chance...Jungkook's girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend? Oh goodness no. I have a boyfriend back in Japan whose waiting for me to get back..."

"Really?....wow...you must miss eachother..."

"I do...I can't wait to go back home and see him...he proposed to me before I came here to college so we would both know we were waiting for eachother."

"Is he going to the same school as you?"

"Mmm no, he's older than me so he's already graduated. He works at some fancy tech business."


"What's proposing?"

"Like marriage? He gave me my wedding ring before I left so no one could hit on me or anything."

Oh...a wedding ring...that's so sweet....

"So..how did you meet Jungkook?"

"When I first came to Korea I knew how to speak a little bit of it but everyone could tell I was Japanese so not a lot of people wanted to talk to me. I was lost one day walking around the halls and Jungkook found me and lead me around. From there him and I just became pretty good friends."

"Wow...that's so cool..."

"How did you meet Jungkook?"

Oh dear...

"Um...k-kind of the same as you...I needed a job and he offered me this one..."

"Ah yes, he was so adamant when he came to me he kept saying he knew the perfect person to run the coffee shop. Jungkook is a pretty good judge of character so I knew I could trust his judgment."

And yet he has a friend like Jimin...how odd.

"Mm..he's very sweet."

"You know Y/N with these new clothes and this fancy hair you'll have boys practically falling at your feet!"


"Just look!"

Piper spins the small mirror sitting on the counter so you see your reflection and you lightly gasp looking at the now smooth perfect edges of your hair and a small bang that frames your face perfectly, your entire body turning towards Piper with a wide smile.

"Oh Piper! I love this!"

"Good. I didn't know if you wanted bangs but I figured a little one would frame your face well."

Looking in the mirror again before grabbing your apron and tying it around your waist you pull a cookie out of your bag and look at the small chocolate chips, a little ping of shyness sparking in your chest.

Jimin took the orange I gave him...maybe he's starting to warm up to me a little bit....

"So...you leave to go home in three days..."

"Yeah...honestly after being here for two years it's going to be weird being back in Japan...I miss my family and my boyfriend though...so I'll be excited to see them."

How fun...being able to travel somewhere else...have a family and a boyfriend waiting for you...Piper's life is like a dream...

"I'm happy you get to go back and see them..."

I'll miss you though...sometimes you seem like my only friend...

"I'll miss you and Jungkook though, you guys are pretty much the only people that have talked to me while I've been here."

Oh...she'll...she'll miss me?...

Someone will miss me?...

"I'll miss you t-too Piper..."

Oh...it felt weird saying that...mother slapped me when I said I missed her one day...

"But for now let's get to making some coffee! I'll make us some hot chocolate with extra whipped cream to celebrate your all new look!"

"Okay! I'll...uh...I'll refill the whipped cream!"

"Sounds good!"

Shuffling back to the cooler to grab a bag of whipped cream you come back and begin refilling the machine, Piper's eyes lightly trailing down to your shoes.

"Are you wearing your house shoes?"

"Uh...yeah...I didn't want to wear my other shoes...they don't go well...with anything.."

They're ugly.

"They look comfy, I need to start wearing my house shoes out in public. These tennis shoes are enough to make my feet want to snap."

Falling into soft giggles you help Piper turn on all of the different coffee machines before the college opens and students begin to bustle into the building, Piper's cheery mood even bettering your already happy exterior.

Oh this is wonderful...

Piper is such a good person...

I wish she was staying for a long time...but that's okay...

It's better to have a short very happy moment then a long unhappy one...Piper is helping me learn a new way of living...especially since...I'm kind of stupid...

"Alright! Here's your hot chocolate! To Y/N's new haircut!"

"Uh...y-yeah...to it..."

Awkwardly holding up your mug like Piper does to hers you smile when she clinks then glass together and gives you a hearty grin, your eyes confusingly looking at your glass afterwards.

...why did she hit her cup on mine?

Is that some kind of friendship thing?

(A/N): Double Update for my bbyz UwU

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