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(Y/N's POV)

Staying home is weird...

I'm just all by myself....

Do people actually do this all the time?

Mother never let me stay home by myself.

After burying yourself all over in Jimin's blankets and laying around you get up from his bed and walk around the small cozy bedroom, your fingers lightly gliding all over the books set perfectly on a shelf in the corner.

I wonder if Jimin likes reading...he has so many books...

Wait...these are music books...

Grinning to yourself and carefully looking through all the different titles you get to the bottom shelf and lightly gasp at two thin dusty books on the very end, the tip of your finger swiping away the thin layer from the title.


This is Middle school and highschool...

Do these have Jimin in them?!

Quickly getting up and gazing down the hallway at the still locked front door you pad back over to the bookshelf and carefully pull out the two books, your lower lip clasped between your teeth with anticipation.

I'll start with the middle school one...I didn't know Jimin until I went to the university...

I wonder if he's always been so handsome.

Laying on the floor beside the book and tenderly pulling the face of the book open you gaze through all the different photos of students in their uniforms, your eyes quickly searching for Jimin.

He has to be in here somewhere- found him!

The second your eyes land on the young dark haired boy flashing a small grin in his school picture you wiggle your toes and hide your face in tiny giggles, your nose tingling with a small growing blush.

He was as handsome as he is now!

Folding your hands under your chin and giggling at the younger male in the picture you sit up and peel open the other yearbook, your eyes immediately finding Jimin this time right at the top of the page.

Oh...he...he looks different in this one...

Instead of his boyish grin in his previous picture, this time Jimin simply stands with his shoulders shrugged and his eyes lazily gazing into the photo, the dark circles under his eyes a light shade of purple cradling his tired face in deep sorrow and grief.

Why did Jimin look so happy in this photo...and so sad in this one...

Jungkook did say something like Jimin changed when they went into highschool...I wonder what it was...

Allowing your eyes to wander from the sorrowful angsty boy your entire gaze widens when you see a small blonde girl in a white fluffy top gazing into the camera with a smile, her round puppy style eyes filled with nothing but innocence and admiration.

That's...that's her....

That's Lily...

Sitting up and pulling the book into your lap your lips part in light shock at the beautiful girl in the picture, your eyes captivated by her pure beauty and delicate smile.

No wonder Jungkook fell in love with her...she looks so kind and sweet...

I'm so happy I get to know what you look like Lily...I'm sure you were even sweeter in real life than these photos....

Grinning to yourself and flipping through the student pages looking for anymore photos of Jimin or Lily until you stop on another class, a small sense of longing tugging at your chest.

Mother never let me have any kind of school pictures...she said it wasn't proper to photograph yourself and that it taught arrogance...

Jungkook isn't arrogant and he got his school pictures done...

Why couldn't I have been in a yearbook too...

In the midst of your inner thoughts you scroll through the lines of students until you stop on one girl flashing a familiar grin into the camera, your eyes widening the second you recognize her face.

....Wait a second.....

Is...is that...is that really Minnie?

Pulling the book closer to your face and focusing in on the female covered in thick makeup and nails flashing in the photo your entire chest suddenly constricts in shock, your smile you had before now fading into a deep frown.

...She told me she didn't know Jimin until the University like me.....

She told me she went to a different highschool than this.

....Minnie lied to me.

Scrolling through the pages of the book as quickly as possible you get to a picture of a dance and gasp at the group photo staring at the camera, Jungkook, Lily, Jimin, and Minnie's faces all gazing straight into the camera.

...Minnie...she...she knew Jimin....

Jimin is the only one not smiling in the photo....he actually looks like he's glaring at the camera...

Quickly shutting the book loudly and putting it back on the shelf exactly like it was before you stand up and sit down on Jimin's bed with tears welling in your eyes, your entire chest tight with frustration and growing betrayal.

That means Minnie knew that Jungkook knew Lily and didn't make her up.

She's been lying to me this whole time about knowing Jimin....

....Why would she lie about something like that?...

I'm a good best friend...What would have been so wrong about me knowing about Jungkook and Jimin?

Minnie always told me they were bad people...Jimin may not be the nicest person...but he isn't bad...to me he just looks hurt...

She even tried to convince me Jungkook was crazy!

And I almost believed her!

Balling your hands into fists and tugging your knees to your chest you quickly wipe the frustrated tears from your eyes and lay back down on your pillow, your hands pushing the comforter against your eyes to hide your wet cheeks.

What else has she lied to me about?

....does...does that mean...she's actually been with Jimin before?....

Did they date?

Jimin doesn't look like the type to have a girlfriend but still...it looked like they were at a dance together.....

I can't ask Jimin about it because he'll know I was snooping in his stuff and I'll get in trouble...

...What do I do now?...

...My best friend...isn't who I thought she was....

(A/N): :) Teeheehee

Also, I forgot to include Y/N's outfit like 4 chapters ago so here it is! This is what she's wearing!

Also, I forgot to include Y/N's outfit like 4 chapters ago so here it is! This is what she's wearing!

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