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(Y/N's POV)

Poor Poor Jimin...

By the way Jimin's breathing slows and his body relaxes against his clean silky sheets you can tell he has fallen into another interrupted slumber, his small whimper that breathily escapes his lips breaking your heart.

By the way you were so sweaty...I could tell you had a bad dream....

Even though I'm hungry...I don't want you to have to make something for me...your hands were shaking the whole time you were carrying me....

Scooting your body closer to the sleeping male and trying to stay as quiet as possible you slowly lay your chin on Jimin's shoulder, your eyes lightly widening when you gaze at his sleeping face.


Parting your lips in surprise at the small tears rolling down the sleeping boy's cheeks and his jaw tightened painfully you simply sigh and lay your warm cheek on his feverish skin.

So that's why you sleep staring at the wall.....because you cry in your sleep....

Sitting up in the bed and tenderly tugging on Jimin's shoulder you watch him stretch out to where he's flat on his back, his nose scrunching up from the awkward sleeping position he's now in.

Poor Jimin...something so traumatic happened in your life...that even in the comfort of sleep you still cry...and plead....

Laying down beside the boy and scooting as close as you can you carefully prop yourself up on your elbow and push back Jimin's sweaty bangs off of his forehead, your simple touches leveling out his heavy breathing down to their regular small huffs.

It couldn't be Lily that did this...you can talk about her and even tell stories to reminisce about the times....

So what is it....what happened to you between middle school and highschool....that ruined the sparkle that used to shine in those old photos...

I would love for you to tell me someday....

As you stroke your fingers through Jimin's silky black locks you find yourself mesmerized by the way your touches calm his fearful exterior, his entire form now calm and settled into the mattress beneath the both of you.

I think it's fate that I met you that night Jimin...Even though you were mean to me...and called me bad things and made me walk all that way.....

I'm still thankful...

Carefully laying beside the sleeping boy beside you and laying your head as tenderly as possible on his chest you begin drawing tiny circles on his exposed chest, your heart skipping a beat when his body shifts lightly to adjust to you laying on him.

I'll get in trouble if I stay like this...so I won't do it for long...

If I can just have a moment...

You make me feel so safe...like there could be a gun pointed at my head and I would still feel safe just like this....

Gasping in shock when you feel an arm slowly snake it's way around your waist your entire face explodes into a deep blush when Jimin shifts on his side and pulls you up against him, his free hand tenderly moving to cradle the back of your head.


H-Hugging me....

You can feel your heart slamming against your chest and electric shocks spiking down to your toes from the sudden closeness to Jimin, his head lightly burrowing into your hair.

Oh my gosh.

What do I do?!

What if he wakes up and realizes he's doing this?!

I'll never be able to sleep with him again!

Removing your hand from Jimin's chest from the sudden fear that clutches your happy form you attempt to wiggle out of the boy's sleepy embrace only to have it thwarted when he tightens his hold, both his arms now snaked around your waist and resting on your lower back.


Very slowly tilting your head up towards Jimin who is nuzzled against you your heart flutters when you notice his face completely relaxed and encapsulated in his calm slumber.

He's...not crying anymore...at all...

He looks...peaceful...

Carefully slipping your head back under his chin and placing your hand on his chest you practically melt into his embrace as your lips tilt up in a smile, your heavy eyes fluttering shut and darkening with oncoming sleep.

I wish I could stay like this forever....

I never knew a human being could be this way....I never knew that I could feel these butterflies in my tummy when I looked at someone....

I've always been so scared....of people...because of mother...she never allowed me to do something like this...never once...have I felt the love from another human in such a way....

I know you won't remember any of this happening...and even if you do I know it will make you angry....however...just in this moment...just for once...

I can sleep peacefully...and not....be scared....

I'm so....thankful....


(Jimin's POV)

Peeling one eye open to gaze down at the tiny girl now completely morphed into his embrace Jimin simply feels his lips stretch into a sleepy grin, his nose nuzzling into the crispy clean scent of the girl's beautiful silky soft hair.

How interesting....whenever you touch me...my nightmares go away...

I always wondered what it felt like to hold a woman...without any expectations or aftermaths...just regular...real...

Trying his best to keep himself from alerting the girl of him being awake Jimin flicks his gaze over to the small nightlight illuminating his bedroom, slight tears welling in his eyes at the mass of emotions crashing against his form.

I'm scared of you.

I've always been scared of you.

From the second I saw you walk in my house wearing that red dress, you captivated, and terrified me to my core...

How can I girl so tiny...so unknowing of anything that has to do with the world around her...

Cause me to feel so calm.....

....and so safe...

(A/N): Man I can hear you guys screaming from here. Literally, I can hear the screams, I'm gonna have so much fun reading these comments 🤣🤣🤣

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