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(Jimin's POV)


Just a little longer...

I don't want to go to school-

Slowly opening his eyes and looking at the small girl tenderly wrapped up in his blankets Jimin lets out a sigh and arches an eyebrow, his gaze looking the girl up and down.

....What the hell.

I give her, her own damn bed and yet she chooses to sleep in mine.

I told her to not make this a regular thing.

Sitting up in the bed and watching her muzzle deeper into the blankets Jimin rolls his eyes and pulls a T-shirt off of his floor over his body, his hand pushing his hair down against his head.

What is so great about my stupid bed?

My bed at home is so much better than this.

Carefully slipping his arms under the girls body and lifting her into the air he sighs with agitation and walks down the hall to her bedroom, his foot kicking open the door.

I don't want to do this everyday.

This is stupid what am I some kind of caretaker?

Laying her down in her own bed and turning away from her sleeping form he makes his way into his bathroom and stares into the mirror at his reflection, his face twisting with a disgusted look.

I don't want her to feel like it's okay to sleep in my bed.

I tried to tell Jungkook about girls like this.

Once you give them the smallest inch, they take a whole mile and cling onto you.

....but she cries a lot, so it makes me seem like a monster when I try to tell her anything.

....man I can't stand women.


(Y/N's POV)



Rolling around in your bed and feeling yourself begin to come to your eyes quickly flick around your room, your hand moving to press the small button on your alarm clock to turn it off.

I'm in my room again...

"Hurry the hell up or I'm leaving your ass."

Am I late?!

Quickly looking over at the time you pout in light confusion and tug your sweatpants onto your exposed legs and throw your backpack on, your hands moving as fast as they can in the bathroom to brush your teeth.

I'm not even late why is he saying he'll leave?!

I already get up so early anyway!

Tugging a brush through your hair as fast as possible you slip on the shoes Piper got for you and you race out of your room where Jimin stands by the door, his entire body stiff with agitation.

"Took you long enough."

"We aren't even late. I get up at the same time every-"

"I don't give a shit lets go."

Looking down at the ground and following Jimin down the stairs of the apartment you slide into the backseat and barely get the door shut before the car roars to life, your chest beginning to crawl with frustration.

Why is he being like this all of a sudden?...

He was actually kind of nice yesterday....

But he did say he just didn't want me to burn down the apartment....

He's just mean.

Leaning back against the seat and playing with your fingers it seems like a few seconds until Jimin pulls to the side of the curb, his sharp eyes glancing at you in the mirror with an odd expression overtaking his face.

"Get out."

"But can't you just-"

"Get. Out."

Stepping out of the car and shutting the door Jimin slams on the pedal and speeds away from you standing on the side of the road, your hands balling into fists at his actions.

He is so mean.

Jungkook knows I live with him, and Minnie knows I live with him, so what is so wrong with dropping me off at the front doors?!

Stomping your way towards the front of the school so you aren't late for work you slide on your apron outside and look around for Minnie, who is nowhere to be found.

She didn't wait for me at the doors...

I shouldn't have thought she would though...she's mad at me...

Why is everyone always mad at me?

What did I ever do to make anyone mad at me?

Maybe Jimin is upset I slept in his bed without asking...

I should have asked first...I guess he has a right to be angry with me...

Sluffing in the front doors of the school and making your way to the closed down coffee shop you turn all of the lights on and open the back door for the delivery man who quietly stocks the different treats in their individual slots.

I bet his job is nice....

He just gets to silently put the sweets in the cabinet and do it all day until he gets to go home...

I bet he has someone that loves him very much waiting for him to get home everyday.....

I don't get that luxury.

Bowing quietly to the man when he leaves you refill all the coffee beans and head to the cooler to get the bags of fresh whipped cream for the small machine, a feeling of calm blanketing your body.

Oh well...think of the positive things Y/N.

You still have this job that is giving you food everyday and money for you and your future baby.

You get to go to school and get a wonderful education so when you graduate you can get even a better job for you and your baby.

....you only have to live with Jimin for three more weeks...then...Minnie will...

She will come through.

She will.

I know it.

She's my best friend.

She's done this before...but she has always come back...no matter what...

Placing both of your hands on the cool counter and sighing deeply you push your fingers through your hair, your head shaking back and forth in light disbelief while tears begin to dust your eyelashes.

She needs to pull though...because...I don't want to live with Jimin...

I can't live with Jimin forever...

He's making me miserable....

(A/N): 🤭

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