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"Hey....do you wanna share my lunch Y/N?...."

Placing your face in your hands with your elbows on the lunch table you simply shake your head and look up at Minnie with sore eyes from crying, a dark cloud of gloom hanging over your head.

"No. At this point I wouldn't be convinced if my mother does an X-ray on my stomach to make sure I haven't eaten."

"Oh come on you have to eat something! You can't let that bitch starve you all day long."

"I don't want to get in trouble again Minnie."

Laying your head down in your now folded arms your heart suddenly seizes when you see familiar pink high heels stop at your table, Ella's shrieking voice dropping your mood even further.

"Um, you're sitting at our table."

"Does it have your name on it Ella? Y/N and I sit here everyday go get a life."

"So? My daddy owns half of this university so technically this is HALF my table. Hit the road losers."

"What's wrong Ella? Got rejected by a guy and now your ego is hurt so you take it out on us?"

"I said beat it losers!"

"Come on Minnie lets just go."

You watch your best friend widen her eyes in shock when you simply stand up and sling your bag over your shoulders while backing up away from the table, your back lightly bumping into someone else's.

"Oh, sorry about that."

Turning around and looking up at the man you watch his face twist in light confusion, his ebony orbs searching your face intently.

"Do I know you from somewhere?"

That's Jimin's best friend!

"U-Uh no...s-sorry for bumping into you."

Bowing your head and moving away from the boy as fast as possible you hear Minnie's heels clicking behind you until you both make it outside to the courtyard where she sends you a small pout.

"Hey I could have so told her off!"

"I don't want to hear it from her today...I'm tired of being called a loser. I would rather move."

A small look of pity crosses Minnie's beautiful face as she wraps her arms around you and give you a big hug, her head lightly resting in the crook of your neck.

"I'm so sorry Y/N....hey before you know it you and I will be living somewhere together and we'll party it up so hard we'll be all over the news."

Cracking a small smile you look down at the small rice cake in Minnie's hand and watch her give you the a stern glance.

"Now eat something. If you can't let me tell Ella off then at least eat this for me."

With a deep sigh you grab the small rice cake out of her hand and pop it in your mouth while sitting down on the concrete, another wave of tears beginning to grow on your eyelashes.

"When will I really be free Minnie? When do you really think I'll be free of her? Of all of this?"

Minnie leans down and places her hand on your shivering back before sighing deeply and shaking her head, her shoulders lightly shrugging.

"Just...just remember what you said yourself! You just have to wait two years until you graduate then you'll have your degree and you won't need their money."

Two years....

Can I really do two more years of this?...

"Yeah....you're right Minnie..."

"I swear I can't stand watching this happen to you. If I had a house right now I would swoop you away."

At the sound of your watch beeping to let you know lunch is over you simply stand up and brush off your back while allowing your bag to weigh down your shoulders, your lips cracking into a sad smile for your best friend.

"Thank you Minnie. I'm going to head to class now."

Your own voice feels alien coming out of you as you leave Minnie standing there with a shocked look, your feet quietly carrying you into the glass building filled with students making their way to different classrooms.

The same hallways....every single day...

The same people...walking the same way....talking to their friends...

Why is it all this time I've only had Minnie?...

Why doesn't anyone else want to be with the two of us?

Minnie has the looks of a model...she's always dressed so nicely...and she's very sweet to everyone that isn't Ella...

Oh...well...maybe it's me...I'm the one bringing her down...

Keeping your head down to your feet you stifle a light whimper and allow your eyes to travel to a couple making out against the wall, your every muscle seizing you in place.


Watching his hands thread their way through his silk brunette hair you feel your chin beginning to shake as tears well in your eyes for the thousandth time today, your good mood you woke up to this morning irretrievable.

Ah...I knew this was coming...

Minnie told me not to feel anything for him because of what he is...but...my heart hurts so badly...

"Hey move it loser."

Your shoulder is suddenly knocked forward sending you tumbling into the wall as the wave of students only gets thicker beside you, your sweater sleeve quickly being moved up to wipe your eyes.

I hate this.

I hate all of this.

I don't even want to be here anymore.

I'm tired of this.

I want to go home to a regular mother like most of these kids get to go home to.

Going to that party only showed me everything I'm missing out of.

I shouldn't have gone that night.

It was nothing but a mistake.

Is this all I'll ever be to anyone?

Am I really so bad that I can't even have regular food?

Is it so important to be this sickly skinny that I can't have food?

Minnie is skinny and she gets to eat regular food, she gets to eat whatever she wants!

Pushing your body off of the wall you shuffle back into the crowd while allowing your head to fall down again, a sense of numbness overtaking the electric feeling of self loathing ebbing through your thoughts.

Oh well..

It isn't like any of it matters I guess.

I'm just another person living their life they have been given.

Nothing I can do about it right now.

(A/N): TrIpLe UpDaTe

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