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"Y/N...hey...Y/N...wake up..."

Coming to your senses you peel your eyes open painfully and look up at Minnie who leans down and pays your back, her warm eyes gazing down at you lovingly.


"You need to get up...it's the end of your classes..."

"Wait what?"

With a deep groan you sit up and rub your sore neck as Minnie pulls a bag out of her purse and helps you get up to your feet, her fingers pulling out a tiny stick and sticking down your shirt in between your bra and your chest.

"There. Your mother will never be able to search you down to find it."

"What..what is this?"

You sleepily rub your eyes and watch Minnie move around fast as lightning as she sticks a water bottle in your backpack along with your planner, her nervous form not making you feel any better.

"Just...just take that when you get home. I stuck the instructions with the stick. I got stopped by everyone and their uncle trying to get out of the building so it took me longer than I thought to get back here...but your driver is waiting outside for you so we have to go."

Wait...what's going on...

Was I really asleep in here for two hours?...


"Come on Y/N put your bag in real quick you can sleep the second you get home but for now we need to go."


I'm so hungry...

Lazily slinging your bag over your shoulder you pull out the water bottle and chug half of it before Minnie tenderly drags you out of the bathroom and ushers you towards the front door, the sun burning your tired sore eyes.


I don't feel good...

What test do I have to take?

Is it a flu test or something?

"Come on try to look together or else your driver will get suspicious."

Shouldn't my mother know I'm sick?

Oh..not like she would do anything...

Your mind feels foggy and clouded as you try hard to focus on straightening your back as Minnie races past you and hops into her dads car, her concerned chocolate brown eyes gazing at you from the car window.

Why did she leave so fast?

Oh right..get in the car...

The car...

Turning your head towards the black vehicle that's wait for you, you try not to drag your feet against the concrete sidewalk as you make your way down the stairs and into the backseat, your stomach sloshing with the heavy amount of water you drank.

"As usual Miss Y/N, your mother sent me with directions to tell you, since you're still in your punishment you are to report directly to your room the second you get home, they are hosting another dinner party tonight and do not wish to be bothered."

All you give him is a lazy nod of your head as you lean your head against the cool glass and feel your body slightly shivering, your nerves getting bad thinking of the tiny object placed inside of your shirt.

What even is this...

It must be something mother wouldn't like since Minnie hid it in my shirt...

Pushing yourself out of the seat when the car pulls up to the stairs you try to keep your legs steady as you try to blink away the heavy feeling weighing your eyelids.

I want to go lay down...

I don't feel good..

When you enter the house full of people all dancing around to loud music you try not to look up at any of them as your knees shake the entire time making your way through the crowd, a small whimper escaping your lips looking at the staircase that leads to your bedroom.

Why is there so many stairs everywhere?...

Will mother yell at me again?...

Feeling small amongst all the beautifully dressed women you quickly try getting up your stairs only to trip and bang your knees on the step in front of you, your eyes quickly darting around to make sure you didn't catch anyone's attention.

Thank goodness...the last thing I need today is to be made to feel worse about being sick.

Pulling the majority of your body up the stairs with the rail you lazily push your bedroom door open and drop your body down onto your bathroom floor, your foot pushing the door shut.

Can't I just live in the bathroom from now on?

Tugging the plastic stick out of your shirt you fold open the instructions and rub your eyes to focus on the tiny lettering on the paper, your eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

I have to...


That's so gross!

Not bothering to read the other side of the instructions you pull the plastic off of the stick and shirt your shoulders, a small sigh escaping into the silent bathroom.

Okay then...I don't know what Minnie gave me..but I guess I'll do it, she knows what she's talking about.


Okay...so it's been a few minutes.

After drinking the rest of the bottle of water after taking the test you stand up and make your way back to the bathroom while grabbing the little stick and the instructions, your mind finally slightly unclouded from your earlier slumber.

Okay so I just have to look at the test right?

It'll show that I'm sick?

Rubbing your eyes you reopen the instructions and practically choke on your spit as you finally focus in on the words and sit back down on the floor, a sudden sensation of panic constricting your chest.

Wait a second?!

What kind of test!

No way!

There is no way possible!

Quickly grasping the small plastic stick you hold it with shaking hands and look at the small little sign placed on the end of it, your entire life seeming you collapse and swallow you whole the second your eyes land on the single blue word.


(A/N): Oh snap

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