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(Jimin's POV)



Fine fine just go on and traipse around the city frolicking through the streets or some shit.

See if I care.


Allowing a small huff of frustration to leave his lips and fill the silent room with some noise Jimin pops the fridge open and pulls out a beer, his face set in a permanent scowl.

Jungkook didn't even tell me where he was going.

He's probably taking her to one of his weird tea shops he loves so much.

I'm happy he didn't invite me.

I've had a weird enough day already.

Plopping his body lazily on the couch Jimin pops the top of the beer open and takes a big drink of the rough liquid, the cool burn of the alcohol tickling the back of his throat.

I needed this.

I really needed this.

Immediately feeling the calming sense overcome his tense body Jimin leans his head back and stares at the ceiling, his cheeks already tinted with a light blush from the alcohol.

It's quiet in here...

I guess it's always quiet....but at least I can hear Y/N messing with her books or whatever she does.

But I guess it's nice to be by myself....Y/N makes me feel weird.

Chugging down the rest of the beer and sliding the glass bottle on the table, his hands sliding down the tops of his thighs Jimin closes his eyes and sighs at the cloudiness slowly taking over his thoughts, one hand moving up to push through his thick dark locks.

Y/N looked so confused when I told her about my school record though.

She gets all flustered when she gets confused.

It's almost....cu-

Quickly snapping his eyes open when his phone chirps in his pants pocket Jimin lets out a loud groan and tugs his phone out, a small arrogant smirk shining on his calm face.

"What's wrong Jungkook? Can't have fun without me?"

"Really son?"

......what the hell.

Suddenly feeling his entire body jolt with anxiety and adrenaline Jimin sits up in shock, his jaw tightening together with growing agitation.

"What the hell do you want."

"Again, that is no way to speak to your mother."

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I HAD a mother anymore? I thought I was being removed from the family registry?"

"Oh please son don't act so ignorant. As if I would remove you from the family registry."


"Oh I get it."

Trying his hardest to control the slight slur in his words Jimin chuckles lowly into the phone and sits back on the couch, his hand popping the metal cap off another beer.

"You can't remove me from the registry because then you wouldn't get all his money, is that right?"

"....Son are you drunk?"

"Nope. Not a bit. Answer my question."

"You honestly think everything is about money? I wouldn't remove my son from the registry because you are my son and-"

"Oh shut the hell up will you? You won't even tell your friends you HAVE a son so why would I believe that you aren't removing me simply because you birthed me."

Going silent for only a moment Jimin flutters his eyelashes and gazes down at the beer resting in his hand, goosebumps rising on his skin when the water droplets fall down the glass and touch his fingers.

"I'll talk to you again when you aren't drunk. It's obvious you still haven't changed. It's almost been a month Jimin, haven't you grown up at all?"

"....Guess not."

Hearing his mother scoff on the other side of the phone Jimin rolls his eyes and feels the full effects of the alcohol trying to rock him to sleep, his eyelids slowly growing heavier and heavier by the second.

I don't want to talk to her.

I don't want this.

I want to go to sleep.

And wake up.

And be somewhere else....

"However, how about instead of calling me to harp in my ear for once in my fucking life you could call and ask how my day went."


Pulling his phone from his ear and bursting with sudden rage Jimin stands up and slams his phone down on the table as hard as he can, a small whisper escaping his lips when the small device shatters and busts apart on the wooden furniture.

Nobody wants to ask how my day went.

Everybody just calls because they want something from me.

Girls want to parade me around and sleep with me because of my looks.

Guys want to hang around me because my family is rich.

Teachers try to give me passing grades simply because of who my mother is.

Even my own fucking mother only calls me because I'm not doing whatever it is she wants me to do with my life.

I'm so done with this.

I'm so done with all these people and their bullshit.

Why can't they all just go away?

Snuggling softly to himself and falling back into the soft couch cushions Jimin whimpers and covers his face with his hands, the empty beer bottle slipping from his fingers and thumping against the carpeted floor.


Why me.

Shaking his head and peeling himself off the couch to stumble down to his bedroom Jimin roughly pushes his hands against his eyes to shove away the hot tears threatening to roll down his cheeks, little hiccups popping from his throat into the silent air.

I don't want to feel this.

I want it all to go away.

Why won't it just go away?!

Stumbling into his bedroom and pushing his body under the cool covers Jimin lays his head on his pillow and slowly feels a calm come over him, the thin sweet scent of the pillow slowly pushing through the rage and agony clutching his being.

This pillow....

It smells like Y/N....

Closing his eyes and pulling his knees to his chest Jimin deeply inhales the sweet scent and swallows hard, his thumb lightly running across the cool material.

I like the way she smells....



Just leave you and I alone....Y/N....

(A/N): 👀

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