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"Whaat?! You're living with Park-"

"Shhh Minnie!"

Sticking your hand over your best friends mouth you watch her jaw drop open in awe and her fork drop onto her plate of pizza, her voice lowering to a small whisper.

"You're living with Park Jimin?!"

"Yeah...after you gave me his address I found him and asked him if I could stay with him until you get your house in a month..."

Your tone is anything but happy as you add the chicken to the salad Minnie bought you and sniff the sauce, your eyebrows raising at the odd smell of the new food to try.

Wow...so you put the sauce on the salad...with the chicken...this is a lot...but it's for my baby...

"You don't sound happy?"

"I'm not."

"Why? Isn't he like god of hotness or something?"

"His looks may be okay but his personality is not."

"Wow...I heard he was a jerk but I didn't know he was a real jerk."

"He is a real jerk. Say...Minnie....do you...do you think you could give me a ride home after school?...I don't want to walk all the way there and I'm sure Jimin isn't going to be waiting for me..."

"Aw...Y/N I'm sorry...my car is broke down and my dad has to pick me up before my mom starts her shift at work...we only have one car right now..."

"It's fine don't worry about it...at least it's nice outside."

Shoving the plastic fork into the pile of greens you take a bite of the food and try to calm the nausea the tries to grip your being, your stomach already beginning to churn painfully.

Come on little baby...this food is for you...your mama needs it so you can grow well...

"You alright?"

"This food...is really good but I feel sick..."

Sniffling and dropping your fork with the food still on it Minnie moves beside you and rubs your back, her eyes still glimmering with pity as he slides her plate of pizza towards you.

"Here. Eat this."

"But...I want to be healthy..."

"Y/N you've lived on rice your whole life anything you eat is going to be healthy."

Giving Minnie a weak smile you grab the plate of pizza and spend the rest of lunch completely silent, your eyes searching the lunchroom to land on Ella who sits alone stabbing a piece of meatloaf.


"Ella is apparently on some sort of warpath lately. She wants to find out who the girl in the red dress was because she blames her for taking her "ChimChim" away from her."


"Yeah, apparently your party self is still the talk of the school."


"But don't worry, no one is going to find out since you look nothing like that in real life."

"No need to remind me."

"I- I didn't mean-"

"It's fine Minnie..."

Running your fingers through your hair you lay your head down on your arm and try to control the tears trying to barrel out of your eyes, the sharp pain in your chest completely overwhelming.

Gosh...why am I crying so easily?...

I'm not much of a crier...


(Jimin's POV)

"Hey Jungkook, that's a nice one am I right?"

Snickering towards the girl walking past the two boys in an extremely short dress Jimin hears Jungkook scoff, his eyes rolling away from his best friend.

"I'm taken Hyung you know that."

"I wasn't talking about for you I was talking about for me."

"For you? Don't you have different things to worry about?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Um Y/N? You know the chick preg-"

"Don't say it."

I can't believe I'm stuck living with this chick for an entire month.

I'm expected to what?

Give up my life?

Act like I actually give a shit?



"She isn't my priority nor do I have to care about what she does. She can figure her own shit out."

"Seriously? You know-"

"I know Jungkook, but she was the idiot that didn't tell me she wasn't on birth control or else trust me I would have used protection."

"Okay but not everyone is used to being in that realm like you are how was she supposed to know "under control" meant birth control. Why not just come out and say it?"

"Whatever. I don't owe that girl shit. After a month she is going to be out of my life and hair forever."

"Exactly can't you treat her like a human being for at least a month?"

"And let her get all attached and think we're gonna be some big happy family? I don't think so. Girls like that want to cling onto you and never let you go. They'll drive you insane."

"Uh huh. Insane."

"Yeah. Next thing you know she'll think she has something over on me and use my money to get all the shit she wants just because she's pregnant. She's nothing special."


"No. If she wants food and shit like that she can go get a job like everyone else."

"Oh really? You want to talk about jobs?"

"Hey whose side are you on?!"

Looking over at his best friend infuriated Jimin watches Jungkook shake his head silently and pack up his backpack, a deep sigh escaping the younger male's lips.

"I'm always on your side Hyung you know that, but you also know that what you're doing isn't right. You don't know her story."

"Oh and you do?"

"I don't, but sometimes showing a person a bit of kindness can go a long way."

"Kindness? That gets you nowhere Jungkook. Kind people get chewed up and spit out by the world."

"I'm heading to class early, don't wait up."

"Oh I get it Jungkook, you like this girl and want me to treat her well so you can shoot your shot."

Jungkook quickly spins on his heels and sends his Hyung a small smile, a glint of playfulness shining in the younger males eyes.

"I'm taken Hyung, you know that."

(A/N): at this point I think this story is 90% dialogue

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