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"Hey Y/N!"

"Mmm...hi Minnie..."

Coming out of the bathroom when class ends you watch Minnie bop up to you with a wide grin on her face, her peppy mood clashing with your somber one.

"Hey do you wanna eat lunch outside today? In one of my classes this girl invited me to eat outside with her and said you could come too!"

Woohoo another person to make fun of me.

"I have to work at the coffee shop during lunch Minnie...I can't really eat with you anymore."

"Aww...boo...we've eaten together for so long...can't you skip?"

"....it's my first day."

Looking over at your friend with a frown you watch her wide brown eyes search yours deeply, her hand tenderly moving to stop you in the hallway.

"Hey...you alright?"

"No Minnie I'm not. I don't feel good. I'm sick, I'm tired, and I think I'm living with the devil himself."

At the mention of Jimin you see Minnie's head tilt sideways and her arms cross over her chest, her full lips pushing out in a light frown.

"Want me to kick his ass?"

"No. I just can't wait for this month to be over and I can move on with my life. He's a horrible person."

"I mean...at least you get to live with the hottest guy at this school?"

"Hardly. I'm gonna go Minnie. See you later."

"Wait don't you want me to buy you some lunch first?"

"No. I was in the bathroom because I've been puking all day long."

Leaving your friend standing there with her jaw hanging open in shock you roughly tug on the waist of your skirt to loosen the construction it has on your stomach and hips, little red lines digging into your skin from the hard material.

I hate this.

I hate today.

I'm miserable.

Quickly making your way to the coffee shop you see Piper pulling something out of her bag, her mouth stretching into a wide smile the second she sees you.

"Y/N! Hi!"

"Hi Piper."

"I brought you something, it's really hard to eat lunch here when you have to work so I made you this!"

When you get to the counter you look down at the small plastic white box and watch Piper open it up, your eyes widening at the different array of colored vegetables and piles of piping hot flavored rice.

"What...what is this?..."

"It's called a Bento Box, in my country it's what parents pack their children for lunches...I didn't know what you liked so I just added a little bit of everything...I kept it mostly Korean food though...I didn't wanna hit you with any weird foods."

This is all weird food to me...I've never had anything like this before.

"Th-Thank you Piper...this is so sweet of you...you didn't have to do this I'm sure this took forever..."

"Ah...living by yourself in a tiny apartment you really don't have much to do, it was my pleasure! Please enjoy!"

"Dont...don't you have to eat too?"

"I already ate mine! I'll watch the counter while you eat!"


Cracking a tiny smile and taking the box with you to one of the tables you take a moment to stare at the box covered in colorful vegetables situated to look like tiny flowers, your eyes drifting over to Piper who pushes her short black hair behind her ear.

Mothers make this for their children...

I bet Piper's mother made her these before she went to school...

I can't help but feel jealous...our maids even made my plain rice I was forced to eat.

Oh well...none of that matters now..

Shaking your head so your long hair falls to your back you grab your spoon and begin taking bites of the steaming hot rice, your tastebuds exploding with the flavor of all the different spices.

Woah...this is so good.

"Do you like it?.."

"Mhm! This is so good..."

"It's my mothers recipe, my great great grandmother would cook it every Sunday as a family dinner...mine isn't half as good as hers but I tried my best."

"Piper this tastes amazing...thank you..."


You try to hold back the tears in your eyes as you give Piper a grin and finish your food before standing up and tying your apron around your waist, the nausea you've been having all morning fading away like water off a tin roof.

"Ready to make some coffee?"


Piper has had a wonderful life...she's kind and confident within herself...I want to learn how to be just like that...so my baby can grow up with a loving confident mother...


"Okay so here's the sweets from today."

"Don't you want to take some of these home?"

"Nah, I've worked here for two years some days I can't even stand the smell of this stuff."

Letting out a soft chuckle and placing the bag of treats down in your bag you look at the clock and feel a small sense of dread encase your form, your smile fading to a small frown.

I have to go home...

At least the walk will be peaceful I guess..

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N!"

"See you tomorrow Piper...I'll try to be here a bit earlier..."

"No really don't worry about it! The guy was so early today even I barely caught him! Don't beat yourself up about that honestly."

Nodding softly and making your way out of the library you look over and see Jimin making out with a girl against the wall of the cafeteria, your entire face twisting with disgust.

He's so gross.

If I have a son I hope he doesn't turn out like Jimin at all.

And if I have a girl, I'll make sure to warn her about boys like that.

She needs to find a sweet boy.

One like Jungkook, someone who has a warm heart and doesn't act nice just to sleep with you.

I'll make sure my child doesn't turn out like him...I'll die before I have a child capable of such things.

(A/N): Man this story is gonna be long too what even

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