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(Jimin's POV)

....what's her problem?

Sending a sneer down the hallway and staring down at his textbook he focuses on the intricate numbers written down in Y/N's small handwriting, Jimin's finger gliding over the tiny scratches that makes up the complicated formula.

There's no need to be rude about it...I barely even knew some of the stuff on that list of hers...how was I supposed to know where to find it all...if she can figure out this kind of stuff can't she figure out what that weird food is?...


"Ah come in Jungkook."

Watching his best friend enter the apartment Jimin sends Jungkook a small smile, his heart lightly dropping when he looks around the apartment in light confusion.

"Where's Y/N at?"

"Uh she went in her room. She seemed like she was in a bad mood."

"Oh...I'm gonna ask her if she wants to join us."

...why does she have to join?....

"Hey Y/N- oh..."

Poking his head down the hallway to see Jungkook tenderly smiling inside of the room, his head bobbing towards the now dark bedroom.

"She fell asleep."

...so is that why she was being so testy?

She was tired?

Women are so confusing...

"Ah...well better let her sleep then."

After Jungkook shuts the bedroom door and joins Jimin on the couch he looks over at his best friend and hands him a beer, a small sigh breaking the silence in the room.

"You know Hyung, when Y/N has these clothes on, she looks really pretty."

"Okay and?"

"I don't know, you, living in the same place with a pretty girl like Y/N?"

"....Jungkook what are you getting at."

"Oh come on Hyung! You have to admit Y/N is pretty. I mean, you've been with her before after all."

...why does he always bring her up.

"Jungkook why are you talking about her? I don't need to think she's pretty I'm just letting her stay with me for a month until she can move in with her ugly friend."


"Yeah that one, how do you know about her?"

"She hit on me once but she didn't know I was taken. She even started some weird rumor a year ago that my girlfriend is fake."

"Psh. That chick is the fake one."

"You're telling me. It's surprising someone like Y/N is friends with her...but I guess hoes can have best friends."

"Yeah. That chick has tried to get with me at literally every party I threw, I almost slept with her one night just out of pity but there was a hotter girl there that night."


"Did you get any of your work done?"

"Not really. Y/N wouldn't help me with any of it so I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

"...have you thought about nicely asking her to help you? Y/N is a really soft kind hearted person I'm sure if you didn't treat her like shit she'd be happy to help you."



We know two different people.

"I don't want to ask nicely I don't need to ask anyone for shit. For all I care my grades can stay at the bottom of the lake where they belong."

"Hyung you're still getting a great education if you'll just apply yourself."

"Yeah well that bitch doesn't need to see a benefit to her dumping hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to make me what she wants me to be."

"I understand Hyung."

"Hey, you aren't having a beer?"

"Nah, I need to head home my parents are home and I want to spend some time with them, plus you know I don't like sleeping weird places."

"Mm...see you later then Kook."

"Bye Hyung!"

Watching his best friend grab his coat and stroll out the front door of the apartment Jimin sighs heavily and rakes his hand through his hair while chugging the rest of the cool beer, his head lazily tilting up to stare at the plain ceiling.

Living here is so boring...

I can't throw a party...I'm just stuck here with my own thoughts...

It's only 6pm...who goes to sleep at 6pm?

I don't want to take a nap...I don't like naps...

Feeling his eyes growing heavy from the slight buzz Jimin lays down on the couch and traces tiny circles on his biceps, his thoughts already beginning to haunt inside his mind with the silence of the apartment.

Why can't mother just let me come back home so I can have my parties again...I'm tired of trying to hook up with chicks at the university...most of them are really ugly...

Plus...ever since that night....it feels different...

I need to find another girl like that...where it feels like that...

Heaving another deep sigh and closing his eyes Jimin curls up into a fetal position and turns towards the back of the couch, a small whine escaping his lips.

Why do I have to be stuck like this..

Why do I have to be living this way in this world.

No matter what I do.

No matter how hard I worked.

I would never be able to fit into what she wants me to be.

Who cares about what my grades are?

Has she ever even asked me what I want to be?

No...she wants me to be like her.

She wants me to squander in money that isn't hers and live for cameras...and law classes...become the son she's always wanted...

Pushing both his hands into his hair and quickly sitting up Jimin feels the horrific emotions he works so hard to shove down begin crawling up his spine and pulling at his heart, his hands finding the tv remote as quickly as possible.

I need to watch tv.

You're okay.

You don't have to go there.

You don't have to remember.

You're okay.

You're okay.

You're okay Jimin.

You don't have to go to sleep.

You...you're okay...

(A/N): Character Development, sorry if it was boring cx

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