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(Jimin's POV)

"S-Stay with you?...."

Looking over at the tiny girl sitting in the passengers seat of his car Jimin nods and leans his head back, his hands grasping the steering wheel as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, there's no sense in you having to completely gut your bedroom and move it all somewhere else. There's enough room for you to stay in the apartment."

Keeping his eyes on the road and swallowing hard when the car falls silent Jimin's heart begins slamming in his chest, his entire body shivering with slight anxiety.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden?

...Even my hands are sweaty.

"I-It's up to you...whether you want to stay or not. You don't have to I mean I'm not forcing you to do anything."

Nervously glancing over at the tiny girl who hugs her teddy bear against her belly Jimin swallows hard and watches her lips gently stretch into a smile, her eyes sparkling with hope when she meets his shy gaze.

"Okay then....I'll stay with you in the apartment."

"Only if you want to."

"....I want to...I want to stay..."


She wants to stay...

Suddenly my heart feels at ease for some reason.


"Home sweet home."

Quickly sliding the car into the parking spot and shutting off the vehicle Jimin looks over at Y/N and sighs, a small grin cracking on his cheeks when he notices her big round eyes weighed down with exhaustion.

I knew she was getting too tired when I headed back to the soap aisle...I should have just came back after school Monday and got it.

It sucks being stuck in the house all the time though...during the summer when I wasn't in school I was miserable being trapped at home with my mother.

"The delivery of food should be here soon, so I'll go ahead and get you inside then I'll come back out and wait for it."

Watching Y/N just nod her head and rub her eyes with her thin fists Jimin lightly chuckles and gets out of the car, his feet carrying him to the passengers side where the girl opens her door and stands up sleepily.

"Don't forget your bear."

"Oh...right...I don't wanna forget ChimChim.."

Goodness she's tired.

"Tired much?"

"N-No...I'm not tired..."

Playing the tough card huh?

We'll see how long that lasts.

Once Y/N clutches her teddy bear against her stomach and flicks her tired eyes up at Jimin he carefully leans down and lifts the girl into his embrace, his heart lightly fluttering in his chest when she lays her head against his shoulder.

Goodness she's tiny...she's like picking up a fairy or something...

Cheeks slightly warming into a small blush Jimin turns and begins ascending up the staircase with Y/N in his arms until he gets to the locked apartment door, his head turning to the road when the relievers car pulls up beside his own.

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