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(Jimin's POV)


I tell her to be quiet and she turns on the shower?!

Feeling anger bubble up inside his chest Jimin looks down at the girl pressing kisses on his sweaty neck, her eyes traveling up to his with a confused expression.

"Is...is someone here?"



"Yeah, it's my roommate, he doesn't ever leave his room he just needed a place to rent for a while but he keeps to himself."

"Oh...we could have just went to your room so he could have come out..."

"Oh nah, there's no need to go to my room we can have enough fun right here."

Stupid girl.

She almost blew my cover.

Now this chick is going to think I need money or something.

"Alright well I'm going to go ahead and head out then."

"Mmmm you sure? You could stay a while."

"I'll call you Jiminnie. See you at school."

Sending the girl a wink and watching her get dressed before walking out the door Jimin sits up on the couch and sends a glare in the direction of Y/N's room, his agitation now able to fully embrace his form.

This girl has to be an idiot.

When someone says they don't want anyone to know you're living with them, why would you turn on the noisiest thing in the house.

The damn shower.

Tugging on his sweatpants and fixing his hair in the small mirror in the hallway he turns on the tv and sighs, his lips pushing down in a small pout.

Bringing girls here isn't as fun as throwing a party and being able to pick one.

I can't wait until mother gets her shit together and has me come back home.

How does someone eat without a chef or food delivery?

Horrific if you ask me.

The second Jimin hears the water turn off he scoffs and stands up, his feet carrying him to the small white door containing the girl living with him.

So the second my company is gone she turns it off?

She did this on purpose.

What a bitch.


(Y/N's POV)

Finally...the noise stopped....

Pulling one of your sweaters over your head and slipping on a denim skirt you fluff your hair with the towel in your hands until you hear someone knock at your door, your heart skipping a beat at the loud banging.

Uh oh.

Clasping you're fingers around the doorknob and tugging the door open you look up at Jimin who stands in front of you without a shirt on, his jaw clenched tightly together with obvious agitation.



"I clearly remember telling you that I didn't want anyone to know that you were living here."

"And? I didn't come out of my room I stayed in there..."

"Yeah but USUALLY when someone says that they mean to be quiet."

At this point you can feel your own wave of irritation grow in your chest as you cross your arms and send Jimin a soft glare, your knees lightly shaking under your thick denim skirt.

"I also wasn't expecting to hear what I had to hear on the other side of the wall right next to my bedroom."

"Excuse me? This is-"

"Your house you can do whatever you want but why didn't you go to your own room and do that? The walls are thicker in a bedroom so the rest of the house doesn't have to hear the inappropriate acts going on inside of it."

"I...Well I don't need you to tell me where I can do whatever I want in my house. I had to make up an excuse as fast as I could."

"Why? What do you owe that girl? Why does she deserve and excuse as to why theres noise yet you yell at me for taking a shower and drowning out the noise?"

You can feel your jaw quivering with adrenaline and anxiety as Jimin looks at you with a slightly shocked expression, his jaw clenching tighter with rage.

"I don't owe her shit but we were kind of in the middle of something and she left."

"So? You obviously got what you wanted out of her so there should be no problem. It isn't like she's going to be back here."


"No. And if I were being completely honest I was soaking my legs in hot water from having to walk all the way from the university here."

"That is not my problem I'm not some kind of cab service."

"You're right. You don't have to do anything for me at all and I should have never thought you would wait for me even though we were going to the same place. What about that girl? What if she would have wanted a ride here? Would you have given it to her?"

You watch Jimin's face lightly soften and his arms cross in front of his bare chest, his eyes still swirling with the same flecks of hatred he's given you since you arrived.

"Just stay quiet next time I have company."

"Then you stay quiet and take your affairs to your bedroom."

Jimin's entire face twists in shock and awe when you keep your eyes locked with his, your heart beating so fast you feel like you might pass out.

"You don't tell me what to do. If you don't like the noise, then go find somewhere else to live."

Quickly shutting your door and falling down on the carpet you put your hand on your forehead and heave a deep sigh, your legs moving to push your body against your bed to keep yourself sitting up straight.

Oh man...I can't believe I just did that...

I just...I felt so angry...I had to stay in the shower for a really long time...

I think I was in there for too long...I don't feel good now....

Standing up and walking back into the bathroom you let out a cry when your stomach empties into the toilet and fills you with a putrid nauseated feeling, your face twisting you lay on the cool porcelain seat.

At least this toilet is mine...the ones at the school are icky.

So little baby...we don't like long showers...got it...your mama will remember that from now on...

(A/N): :)

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