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"Miss uh Y/N?"

Turning your head towards the voice that calls your attention you look up at an older male that stands at the front counter, his eyes lightly widening in shock when he sees you.

"Oh, are you new here?"

"Eh? Uh....n-no...I-I'm Y/N...."

"Oh....the photo on your student I.D. Looks very different...my bad sorry! Anyway the office sent me down here to give you your pay. Since it's just a student led in college job they pay in cash."

Pay...Pay day?!

Feeling a wide grin spread across your cheeks you excitedly reach out and take the envelope from the male and give him a bow, your heart fluttering with joy.

I get paid!

Look at your mama little baby, she's getting paid!

"Thank you so much sir!"

"Aha...no problem, have a good day."

The second the male's body exits the library you happily bounce around behind the counter and take a seat to pull the money out and count it, your toes tenderly wiggling in your shoes with joy.

Sixty five dollars....that's not bad at all for a first check...and since I only work an hour and a half a day...

This feels so amazing little baby...look how far you and I have come...we get to wear pretty clothes and eat yummy food...we both get to try new foods together...

When the bell rings to release you from the coffee shop you happily bounce out of the library and begin walking across the cafeteria until you bump into someone's chest, your eyes quickly flicking up to look at the male standing in front of you.

"Ah I'm sorry- hey are you new here?"

He...thinks I'm new too...

"N-No Issac...I-I sit by you in Math class...I'm Y/N...."

Standing awkwardly in front of the tall boy towering over your tiny figure you take a step back and notice someone staring at you two from the corner of their eye, dark eyes burning a hole into the side of your head.

Jimin is staring at me.

This is so awkward.

"Wow really? Damn you look hot I didn't know you were the weird girl I sat by in class!"


Fixing your bag on your shoulder and flicking your gaze down to the floor you slowly back away from the male and sigh, a small ache in your chest dampening your good mood.

Just because of my pretty clothes...

"Do you want to walk to class together? I'm heading to math now."

I know you're going to math that's where I'm going...

"U-Um...I-I....I-I'll walk myself..."

When you turn and try to walk away from the boy he simply follows behind you and keeps the same pace as you to walk beside you, every nerve in your body making you want to take off running away from him.

He wants to walk with me.

But I said no.

"Ya know I had seen you sitting beside me before but I didn't like ya know notice you before get what I mean?"

You can feel Jimin's stare still boring through you as you make your way down the hallway with Issac still following you the entire way, his eyes never leaving yours when he this time decides to sit directly beside you.

This guy....why is he following me around?

Nervously biting your lip and scooting as far away from the boy as you can as the professor makes his way to the front of the room and welcomes the class before starting in on his lesson.

Oh good...at least I won't have to speak to him.

"Ya know, I'm actually really good at math."

Oh my goodness.

Not even sparing the boy a glance and continuing to write the notes down in your notebook a sudden burst of agitation hits you when the boy reaches over and tugs you're notebook so your pen jumps across the page and leaves jagged lines all the way through your notes.


"Hehe gotcha."

Squeezing your hand into a fist around your pen you look over at Issac and grit your teeth when he continues to snicker at you, his laid back exterior erupting your agitation to an even deeper level.

"See it like messes up your notes and-"

"Look man some of us are trying to pay attention to the lesson so can you kindly shut the hell up?"

Turning your head to look back at the boy sitting behind you with his hand resting on his hand you let out a small gasp when Jimin keeps his stare on Issac, the two males having a silent battle between the two of them.

"Since when do you pay attention in class Park?"

"Maybe I wasn't talking about me Lin."

"Whatever, mind your own business."

"I am minding my own business, am I not in this class too? You're being an interruption."

"Gentlemen do we have a problem?"

Your head quickly snaps back forward when the professors loud voice causes all eyes in the class to turn to the two boys beside and behind you, Issac's entire face twisting in a smug frown.

"No professor-"

"Actually we are, Issac can't keep his mouth shut and I'm having a hard time hearing, I'm sure the girl in front of me can't hear either."

...he's talking about me...

Turning your head down to your desk you pull your bottom lip into your teeth nervously as the professor sighs and looks around, his voice laced with agitation.

"Alright then since I have to treat you all like elementary school children Issac come sit here in the front row so you aren't distracted by your peers."

...oh my gosh...

"This is bullshit and you know it Park."

Watching Issac push past you to make his way to the small carpeted stairs that lead to the front of the room you look back and watch Jimin grin smugly at the boys back, his eyes staying trained above your head to not spare you a glance.

Jimin...had him moved....

He was being interruptive though...but it's true...

Jimin doesn't pay attention in class....

Nor does he sit behind me...

(A/N): 👀

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