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....guess I'll go check the freezer now before school is over or else Jimin will leave me behind...

Softly scooting your house shoes across the carpet of the library you wipe your swollen eyes with your sweatshirt sleeve and grab the key for the freezer from the register, another stray tear making its way down your face.

....I don't want to go home...Jimin is so mean...

Stepping into the dark coffee shop and flicking on the light you walk over to the freezer set on the back wall, the silver door tightly shut to contain the frozen goods.

I wonder if I would get caught if I just slept here.

It wouldn't be very comfy...but at least I wouldn't have to hear Jimin and his lady friends...

Popping open the freezer door and hiccuping you flick the freezer light on and scan your eyes around the small enclosure, your gaze setting on a box on the top shelf.

Ah...the box is on the top shelf...good job Piper...

Carefully lifting the box off the top of the shelf you frown when you feel how light the box is, your eyes moving down to the small sticky note stuck on the top of the cardboard.

"Y/N, Open this when you get home! -Piper"

....wait...is she giving me a box of whipped cream?

I wouldn't have anywhere to put it...but okay...

I'm so sad...I didn't want Piper to leave...I wish she could have stayed here...

Sitting down on the floor of the freezer and feeling yourself fall into soft sobs you cover your eyes with your sleeves and pull your knees to your chest, your throat sore from the large lump getting bigger and bigger the longer the sadness sets in from your friend leaving.

I shouldn't be sad...I should be happy for Piper...she gets to go back to her home where her sweet boyfriend waits to marry her...plus she said she was going to come visit one day...

Pulling your head from your arms and wiping your eyes again you take a deep shaky breath and lean up against the wall, the cool air of the freezer causing goosebumps to lift on your skin beneath the soft material of your shirt.

Keep my head up...Piper said to keep my head up...that's what I should do...

Goodbye doesn't have to be forever right?

Maybe...maybe when she comes to see me...I'll have my baby...and I'll ask her if she wants to be the aunt...even though she didn't know I was pregnant..

I wonder why she would give me a box of whipped cream though?...

Shaking the box lightly and shrugging your shoulders you keep the box in your hands and carefully lock up the shop before making your way out of the library, your eyes scanning the room for Minnie who usually waits for you at the doors.

.....she...isn't here....

Frantically looking around for your friend when you realize most of the people in the facility are gone you can only shake your head, a small breathy chuckle escaping your shivering lips.

Keep my head up...Keep my head up...Keep my head up...

Biting your lip to contain the heavy tears threatening to pour out of your eyes you make your way outside as quickly as possible so no one sees your broken form, dread now taking a seat beside the somber weight hanging on your heart.

Now I get to go home and listen to Jimin flirt with a girl for hours on end.

How fun.

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