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Okay Y/N.

You've got this.

You just have to calmly tell him that you're pregnant with his child and ask if he'll accept you into his gigantic mansion home where he throws parties and sleeps with multiple girls every single day.

Trying to avoid the downpour soaking your clothes you quickly bounce up onto the heavy white stone steps leading up to the expensive dark wooden door, your anxiety spiking so high you begin seeing small dots.

Don't panic.

You just need somewhere to stay for a month until Minnie can move out and get a place where you can live in peace.


It isn't forever.

You can be out of his life in no time and everything can...go back to normal?...

Nothing will be normal for me I guess...

Blinking yourself out of your own thoughts you ball your hand into a fist and tenderly knock on the heavy wood, the echoing sound of high heels coming from deep inside the house.

Oh...he must live with someone?

Stepping back from the door dripping wet you look up when the door opens and a very well to do looking woman steps forward and looks down at you with an odd expression, her perfectly crafted eyebrows furrowing deeply.


"U-Um Hi Ma'am."

Don't stutter...

"Can I help you with something?"

"Is this where Park Jimin lives?..."

At the very mention of his name the woman's face twists in disgust and she suddenly looks you up and down with heavy judgement, the opening of the door getting a little smaller.

"Are you one of my son's MANY female acquaintances?"

Think fast Y/N!

"Um...No Ma'am! I attend the same university as Jimin and I have some homework for him that he missed from our Chemistry class...the professor sent me to deliver it to him..."

Please buy it...

I've never lied this much before in my life...it feels so strange...

"Ah...I see...good, you look far too smart to get involved with my disappointment of a son."

Hey..that wasn't very nice to Jimin...

"He isn't here right now but I can have one of my associates deliver it to him."

"Um well I have to have him sign this waiver in my bag and return it to my professor before I can go home! Please is there anyway he'll be home soon?"

At this point your entire body feels like it's bouncing with adrenaline under the hawkish gaze of the woman in front of you, the sharp down turned look of her eyes mimicking Jimin's.

That's definitely his mother....he looks a lot like her...

"Alright then, for the time being my son isn't staying in this house. He's staying in an apartment across town close to the city by himself."

He...so he just uses this house for parties?

"You'll find him in apartment 604 I can give you the address for your GPS if you like."


I don't...

"Um...I....actually if you just want to tell me what it's by then I'll be just fine."

"Alright then. It's a well to do grey building beside a fancy Chinese restaurant. You won't be able to miss it."

"Ah alright, thank you ma'am."


Soon the woman slams the door in your face and all you can do is let out a small sigh of relief, your tired feel carrying you back down the stairs into the heavy raindrops slapping against your clothes and backpack.

All the way to this city...

If I remember right that's quite a way away from here...I'm close to the university here....

Should I just...sleep outside or something tonight?...

I'm so tired...and hungry...


I have to keep going.

I can't let my legs fail me.

Pushing yourself forward you begin walking down the street while squinting your eyes to see better through the thick white sheets of water, your heavy skirt and sweater adding extra weight on your already exhausted body.

Walking everywhere is so hard....

My legs hurt...

I want to go to sleep...

Gazing up towards the sky you send the rain a deep frown and push yourself forward down the concrete road, your anxiety spiking everytime you see a black car pass by.

Don't think it's mother and father Y/N.

They aren't going to come looking for you and take you into their arms with an apology in hand ready for you.

Don't allow yourself to be fooled...they don't care.


Well to do...


By the time you've reached the outermost edges by the city you look forward at the brightly red colored Chinese restaurant filled with fancy cars, a small smile cracking on your tired face.

It's dark outside...and it took me three hours to walk here...but I finally made it....

Your legs feel like they're going to break off at this point as you finally feel some relief from the rain when you reach the tall staircase spiraling up the middle of each building.


I just have to find...604...

Making your way up the stairs towards the endless lines of apartments squished together you make it to the top and hit your knees on the top step, a small hiss of pain emitting from your lips.

I'm so tired!

Pushing your sticky wet hair back off your forehead you stand back up and swallow hard seeing the door in front of you, the black numbers on the door shining right in your face.

604...I made it...finally...

Stepping forward and weakly knocking on the door you quickly push your hands together when you hear the latch clicking and unlocking, the ebony haired man answering the door with a smirk, the look quickly fading when he looks you up and down.

"What the hell? Why are you here?"


Okay this is it Y/N.

Just say it.

Say it!

"Jimin...I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I um...I'm p-pregnant..."

His face suddenly contorts with both confusion and disgust as his head tilts to the side, his dark eyes beginning to swirl with deep agitation.

"And that has anything to do with me...how?"

"Well...you're the father."

"Wait say what now?"

(A/N): lets get this party started

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