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(Y/N's POV)

....He didn't...burn my hands.....or hit me for touching the oven?...

Sniffling loudly and wiping your eyes with your sleeve again you look over at Jimin who awkwardly placed himself on the couch, his hands messing with the drawstring of his sweatpants.

....I didn't even use the right part...

Why do I have to be so stupid?....

Moving the candy bar around in your hands you look down at the brightly colored packaging and shift awkwardly in place, the couch shifting when Jimin moves to sit closer to you.

"Do you uh...do you need that opened?"

Keeping your head hung low and silently handing him the candy bar you feel too embarrassed of your actions to even dare to look up at him, your heart still clutched in white hot fear.

"Here, this one is really good. It's my favorite."



Breaking off a piece of the chocolate and slipping it in your mouth your tastebuds are overwhelmed with the sweet sensations of the dark treat, your swollen eyes lightly widening at the taste.

Wow...this really is good...

"Do you like it?"

"Mhm...it's pretty good...."

When the room falls back into awkward silence again you look over at the opened textbook sitting beside your legs and nervously look up at Jimin who stares at the dark screen of the tv, his own hands fiddling with the seam of his pants.


Watching his attention snap down to the textbook you reach out and touch the scratchy pencil markings with your finger, Jimin's body turning towards you.

"I can't figure that one out so I quit.."

"You um....you already figured it out..."

"Wait- Really?"


Jimin quickly grabs the book and sets it in his lap while pointing at the formula, his eyebrows furrowed with deep confusion.

"But I couldn't figure out the formula though...there's no answer."

"The formula is the answer...it isn't supposed to be solved...it's just to show you know how to come up with the formula..."

"Woah...they can actually do that?"


Looking over and watching Jimin gaze at the paper still with confusion he shows you the next question, his eyes bright with curiosity.

"What about this one? Is it the same way?"

"Mhm...that whole section is those kinds of questions."

"Seriously?! Wow...I'll have this finished in no time!"

He knows how to solve it...yet...doesn't know what kind of question it is....

Returning your eyes to your lap you nervously bite the inside of your lip and try to push away the self loathing thoughts trying to overtake your mind, your eyes beginning to fill with tears again.

"You're pretty smart ya know."

Blinking quickly and looking up at Jimin he nods to himself and keeps working on his paper, small frustrated huffs of air vibrating up from his throat whenever he messes up.


"Ya know, I don't know how to use a stove either."

"....you don't?..."

"Nah, all my food has always been made for me by a maid or something like that. We can always google it sometime and figure it out if you're dead set on making whatever kind of box that is."

Google....what is...

Not wanting to seem completely stupid you simply nod and set the rest of the candy bar down beside you folded up in the packaging, your appetite ruined from the earlier events.

I don't even know what all of this is...this is all so overwhelming....google...ovens...stoves...

How am I gonna be a good mama when I can't even cook chicken correctly...

Sniffling and lowering your head again while silent tears roll down your cheeks Jimin looks over at you and tilts his head to the side, his lips parted in slight awe.

"Are...Are you sure you didn't hurt yourself or something?..."

Nodding your head and hiding your face in your sleeve covered hands a small knock at the door gains a slight jump from you, Jimin's eyes not leaving your form until he opens the door.

"Ah, thank you."

Hearing the door close and the thick garlic smell of pizza filling the small room Jimin shifts his feet on the carpet and sighs, his voice pulling you out of your hateful thoughts.

"Um...the pizza is here...."

Pizza...I'm not even that hungry anymore...but my baby needs to eat...

Wiping your sore eyes the best you can you stand up and walk into the dining area where Jimin sets down two pizza boxes, your face pulling together in confusion.


"Aha...um...I Uh...I don't really like sharing food with people....so I just bought you your own pizza...plus not eating all day and everything...I know I can eat a whole one myself."

Rubbing the back of his head awkwardly and getting out two plates he sets one down for you and sits at one of the chairs, the entire room filled with uncomfortable air.

"You uh...if you don't want to you don't have to eat in here...I'm not gonna force you to sit out here."

Looking over at the entrance to your bedroom you nervously glance at Jimin who has now looked down at his pizza and turned his attention away from you.

I could go in my room...

I'm tired....and I don't wanna cry again in front of him...

Quietly massaging your thumbs you sit down on the pulled out kitchen chair and open up the pizza box, the hot steam billowing out into the air.

....this isn't the college pizza....this is different pizza....

"This is the best pizza place in town by the way...since we're by the city we get the best delivery."

Pulling a piece of the pizza out of the box you watch the creamy cheese stretch and hold onto the rest of the pieces, a stifled chuckle coming from Jimins direction.

"You have to pull that apart, this pizza is really cheesy."

Pull it apart...

Watching his movements and shyly copying them you raise an eyebrow and bite off the end of the steaming hot bread, the warm salty marinara sauce causing you to immediately widen your eyes in shock.

.....This is so good.

"Right? That was my first reaction when I tasted it."

Licking some sauce off of your lip and cringing at your oily fingers you grab a napkin and lightly kick your feet under the chair, your legs not even touching the floor beneath you.

Wow...with food like this...why would anyone want to eat plain rice or salads?...

They're just icky.

(A/N): All of you the second I post this "FiNaLlY aN uPdAtE" 😂💜 I lu yew 💜

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