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(Y/N's POV)

"Minnie are you sure about all this?!"

"Come on Y/N don't chicken out now, look we're already in the door!"

The second Minnie opened the gigantic mansion door you were automatically overwhelmed by the loud music thumping through the entire house, your eyes scanning the room to look at all the girls dressed somewhat like yourself.

Oh...I fit in...

Minnie was right...girls do dress like this.

Shyly clinging to your friends side you watch her greet many different men and women all dancing in tight circles, red plastic cups clasped in all of their fingers as the smell of heavy alcohol hits your nose.

Minnie didn't tell me there would be alcohol here...

But what did I expect I guess...my parents drink...so I guess it doesn't matter...

"Do you want a drink?!"


The loud pumping of the music in the room makes it hard for you to make out what Minnie is saying as she laughs and slides a cup in your hand, her eyebrows wiggling with excitement.

"Come on! Just let loose and enjoy the music!"

Enjoy the music...

She's right...after this I'll have to go back home...and two years I'll have to study hard to have this again.

Might as well enjoy it while I can.

You watch Minnie glance up at the top of the gigantic staircase that you guess would lead up to the bedroom of the house, her eyes suddenly glinting with an odd form of lust.

"Y/N! Why don't you go dance?!"

"I...I think I'll just stay with you!"

"I'm going to head to the bathroom though! You just stay here and dance! Enjoy yourself!"

Your entire body freezes in panic when you try to follow Minnie but she quickly disappears into the crowd, all the bodies suddenly all blending in together in different colors of glitter and sweat.

Minnie said she would stay with me the whole time!

Even at school she makes me go to the bathroom with her!

Why didn't she let me follow?...

Carefully backing yourself into the corner of the room you swirl the brown liquid in the cup around and suddenly grow self conscious when you watch Ella make her entrance into the house with her usual designer dresses too tight and short for anyone to ever consider acceptable, her eyes doing the same thing as Minnie's when she looks to the top of the stairs.

Why do they all keep looking up there?

Is that some kind of special VIP party or something?

Wait what if she recognizes me?!

Bowing your head down towards the floor the anxiety clutching your chest gets even higher thinking of Ella recognizing you, her mocking tone practically echoing into your ears already.

If she sees me I'll never hear the end of it.

She's so childish, who bullies someone in college?

I thought all of that would stop when I left high school!

Carefully peering beyond the curls that perfectly frame your face you see her prancing around and flirting with every guy possible in the room, all of them practically drooling over her body.

Ella has such a perfect body...

I wish I looked more like her...

Maybe I should stop eating so much?

Mother already tells me I look like a pig....

Standing against the wall suddenly full of self loathing thoughts you look down at the mass of red silk encasing your body in its divine satin folds, a small smile playing on your cheeks.

I do look pretty though...Minnie worked so hard doing my makeup and giving me this dress so I would look pretty...

As if Ella would recognize me anyway...I never look like this going to school...I have enough makeup on I didn't even recognize myself standing in the mirror...

"Hi there."

Amongst the loud music and dancing bodies in front of you, you look up and let out a small squeak when dark lust filled eyes are set on your form, your eyes widening when you recognize the familiar face.

Wait a second...


Park Jimin?!


"You don't look like you're having a lot of fun!"

"N-No I am!"

"You don't dance?!"

"I-I...Uh...I haven't done much dancing in my life!"

Clasping you're lip between your teeth you watch his dark eyes look you up and down before he reaches out and tenderly clasps your hand in his, his face moving forward so he can softly whisper in your ear.

"Would you like to dance with me?"

Wait a second.

This is Park Jimin.

The guy that Ella was making out with at school!

Hold on...

Is he...

When the realization hits you when you look back into his eyes your body gets a sudden wave of both excitement and anxiety that crashes against the same waves of adrenaline coursing through you, your voice stuck in your throat.

"I-I U-Um..Uh-"

"Is that a yes?"

Swallowing hard you give him a small nod and watch satisfaction glint in his ebony colored eyes as he turns and leads you out to the middle of the dance floor, every girls eyes suddenly going on you with murderous scowls.

Oh no.

I'm drawing to much attention-

Looking up at Jimin the entire room suddenly seems to disappear as he lays his hand on your hip and leans forward again, his warm breath against your ear throwing your heart into a fit.

"Don't pay attention to them, just enjoy the music."

Enjoy the music...


But Minnie told me to stay away from him...

"I-I don't know...I'm kind of uncomfortable..."

Suddenly Jimin's gaze becomes playful as he tugs your body against his with a breathy chuckle, his warm lips brushing against your dewey skin.

"Then...would you like to go somewhere a bit quieter?"


He means...

Upstairs...is that where all of those girls were looking at?

Is that what everyone is here for?

Gazing up at Jimin your lips slightly part as alarm bells begin going off in your head but you choose to ignore them, your hands tenderly reaching out to touch his thin waist.

"Y-Yes...Yes I do."

"Alright then, follow me beautiful."

He...he thinks...I'm beautiful?...

(A/N): Thoughts?

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