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Alright Jimin.

You just have to walk in, grab what you need, and go.

Pulling up to the front of the mansion and looking up at the house he once called home Jimin slowly gets out of his car and rubs his hands together, his palms growing sweaty the second he steps up onto the stone stairs.

Being away from this place has made me odd.

Swallowing hard and gripping the door handle before his nerves get the best of him Jimin enters the house and looks around to see no one in the main sitting room, a small sigh of relief leaving his lips.

Maybe she's at work and I can-

"Park Jimin what are you doing here?"

Her sharp voice cuts through the air and echoes down the stairs as Jimin snaps his head up to look at his mother coming down the stairs, her face gripped with agitation and anger.


"I told you not to come back here unless you have a job, better grades, and a better attitude."

"I forgot some of my stuff, I was just coming-"

"Do you have a job?!"


"Are your grades up?!"

"I'm working on it-"


Backing away lightly and looking to the side to avoid his mother's murderous eyes Jimin stuffs his hands in his pockets, his neck beginning to break out in a nervous sweat.

"I forgot some of my shit that's the only reason I'm coming here."

"YOU moved all of YOUR things out the day I showed up to my house looking like the city dump. Did you honestly think I would give in like before?!"

"I hardly call it giving in."


Exhaling a sharp breath when he feels his mothers hand connect with his cheek Jimin tightens his jaw to keep him from wincing, a warm stinging pain thumping on his jaw.

....of course.

"I am sick and tired of you disrespecting me in my own home Park Jimin."

...she hit me.


"I was just coming for-"


Looking at the woman in front of him with anger Jimin balls his hands into fists and chuckles lowly, both his eyebrows raising unfazed and aloof.

"Yeah, you made yourself loud and clear. However, there is a box, of my shit, up in the room I used to sleep in that I forgot when you kicked me out of the house! Just let me go get the damn box and I'll be out of your hair!"

Jimin's voice booms and echoes through every hallway and gains the attention of all the staff members in the other rooms, only a small huff coming from his mother.

"I'll have someone bring the box down to you."

"....Mother where is this coming from. I can't even walk up to my damn-"

"Nothing here is yours anymore."

Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and scoffing Jimin looks up at his mother, his eyes boring into her glaring gaze.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing here is yours anymore. I don't want to see you back here. You're nothing but a scourge to this family and the history of its business."

"So...you want me to just stay in that apartment forever? You think you have the right to throw me away like trash?!"


"No. Don't even UTTER my last name one more time. You don't deserve to have it leave your disgusting mouth. You want me gone? Fine. I'm gone. However, one of these days, when I come back and take everything from you, and leave you with nothing."

Backing his mother up against the wall with light tears feathering his eyelashes Jimin takes a deep shaky breath and swallows hard, his stone cold heart being torn in half by the woman looking at him like a stranger.

"All of this, every single thing that has happened up until now, is your fault. You can't handle seeing me in your face so now because it's a constant reminder of what you did so you're trying to pin all this shit on me!"

"Jimin, back up."

"Or what? You'll call the police?"

"Here's the box madam."

Jimin looks over at the large box sitting at the bottom of the stairs and chuckles lightly before nodding his head and walking over to it, his face still hard as stone looking down at his things.

"You know, it's more peaceful staying in that apartment anyway. I don't wanna be in this shitty house surrounded by your shitty people."

"Get out."

Nodding softly and picking up the box Jimin exhales and kicks the front door open with his foot, his head moving to look back at his mother standing beside the butler with her arms crossed.

"Bye mom."




Walking down the stairs as confidently as possible and sticking the box in the trunk Jimin keeps his composure until he gets into his car, his hand smacking the steering wheel over and over to let out his pent up frustration.

I knew this would happen.

I knew this would happen if I went back there.

She's not even human enough to say hello after not seeing me for almost a fucking month.

Leaning his body back against the seat and wiping sweat from under his puffy bangs Jimin begins laughing to himself in his car, the engine roaring to life when he reaches up and starts the vehicle.

Damn....what an interesting day it's been.

It's alright, it's not like any of this affected me.

It's not like anything different.

At least I don't have to kill myself trying to live up to her damn standards.

Pulling out of the driveway and looking at the digital clock on the radio Jimin rubs his face and winces at the sharp pain coming from the spot his mother smacked him, his mind whirling with different thoughts.

School should be over right about now.

Oh well, I don't live too far from the university.

I guess I'll start paying attention in class because I'll make sure that woman ends up with nothing.

She wants to take my father for everything he's worth?

That fine, one day, she'll be the one with nothing.

(A/N): 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

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