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"Hmm? What is it Pretty Girl?"

Tenderly playing with your fingers and his face softly burrowed in your hair Jungkook's voice gently hums from his throat as you grin to yourself, your chest fluttering with tiny butterflies.

"Has....Has Jimin...always been like how he is?....like...mean?..."

"No. Jimin Hyung wasn't always like he is right now."


"Did...did he change after Lily passed away?..."

Lifting his face from your hair and tilting his head to gaze down at you Jungkook's eyes gleam with a small spark of mischief, the corners of his eyes narrowing with growling curiosity.

"No...Jimin Hyung was like how he is now when he knew Lily. Jimin Hyung changed when he was about...fifteen I would say...."


Such a young age...


"Jimin Hyung used to be very giving, and very caring actually. Sometimes I was envious of how well he was with other people..."

...Jungkook...was envious....of Jimin...

"Come on...I think we've visited Lily long enough now. She knows I'll be back tomorrow anyway, and I don't want to be late for your first appointment with my father."

Standing up from his spot and dusting off his knees Jungkook very gently helps you up by grabbing both of your hands before interlocking your hands together, his lips stretching up into a wide playful grin.

"Are you ready to go Pretty Girl?"

"Y-Yeah...I'm ready..."

Turning around and slowly bowing to the beautiful pink headstone you and Jungkook soon make your way down the small grassy hill to his car, your body tenderly sliding into the leather seat when he opens the door for you.

I'm nervous to go to the doctor...

What if I did something wrong?

I...I wish...

"Alright! Here we go! Let's get some heat pumping in this place I'm freezing. You must be even colder since you're in a skirt."

Tugging a small jacket from the backseat of his car and draping it over your legs Jungkook quickly starts up the car and backs out of the parking spot, his hand moving up to wave at the person standing at the giant gate.

"Lily's father picked the fanciest graveyard in history. The only reason I get in here without having to use three forms of I.D. Is because the same man has worked here since she passed."


"I know...but...I understand...the only part of his daughters funeral he has was picking the gravestone and site...I wasn't going to say anything about it..."

"It's a really pretty location though..."

"Mm...only the best for my Lily."

"....did she really call you Jeongie?"

"Yeah. One day when I took her to a restaurant that sold spicy noodles she ordered the extra spicy instead of mild and it was really funny, her face got all blushed and cute...but when I was laughing at her she messed up my name and called me Jeongie and so since then that's what she called me."

That sounds...amazing.....going on a date....with someone to a restaurant...

"Did...um...did...Lily and Jimin get along?..."

Giving you the same mischievous grin tinted with a hint of curiosity Jungkook lowly chuckles and flicks his head to the side, a small breath whistling between his teeth.

"Those two? They were quite the pair. They bickered all the time."


"So they didn't like eachother?..."

"Mmm...they were just polar opposites...Lily would always get so frustrated being around Jimin Hyung..."

"Really? Why?"

Going silent for a moment Jungkook grips the steering wheel and seems to drift away to distant memories, his eyes glassing over with hints of sorrow and pain.

"Lily used to always say...she couldn't believe someone as loving as Jimin Hyung could be so loving...but so hateful at the same time."


"If I were to explain Jimin Hyung, I would more so say he's...like a feral cat. He know what he needs to do to survive, and he uses what he has as power to bring himself to the top over others, but not because he has the actual confidence...but actually because he has no confidence and the second someone tries to show him an inch of love or understanding, he strikes at it."

"....but...why would he strike at it?..."

Gazing over at you and heaving a soft sigh Jungkook seems hesitant towards you as he turns down the road, his teeth nibbling nervously on the inside of his lip.

"Because...he's scared."


Scared of what?

"Why...why is he scared though?...."

".......Because anyone other than me who has ever shown Jimin Hyung love, has died."

Letting a soft gasp slip from your lips and staring at Jungkook in shock the boy simply avoids your gaze and pulls into the parking lot of a small clinic, his hands lazily resting on the tops of his legs.

"Jimin Hyung has walls Pretty Girl. He has walls built so high up and so heavily armed that from the outside it seems like no one could ever get in or get passed that rough exterior he fools people into thinking he has."

Resting your back against the seat of the car and nervously playing with the hem of your sweatshirt you look down at your legs, your heart rate increasing thinking of Jimin.

He's scared...of someone loving him?...

"However, even the strongest of walls have a weak point, and every once in a while you'll be able to see it...but it isn't a good thing..."


"Did..did Jimin get his tattoo when he was that young?"

"...The one on his neck?"

"Well...Yeah that and the one on his back with all the pretty flowers on it."

Widening his eyes slightly and gazing over at you Jungkook tilts his head and his smile slowly fades from his face, his entire expression now full of curiosity.

"You...saw Jimin Hyung's back tattoo?"

"Y-Yeah...I saw it...one night..."


"Wh-What is it?..."

"...It looks like you've seen a glimpse into Jimin Hyung's weak spot."

(A/N): Teeheeheeheeheeheehee

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