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"Wait...Say what now?"

Seeing the shocked look engulf his entire face you suddenly feel your anxiety get even worse, your knees practically vibrating underneath your soaked skirt.

"I um..."

"Wait do I even know you?"

Looking up into his eyes you simply frown and nod softly, your tired arms tugging your backpack forward as he watches your every move.

"We go to the same school."


"I sit behind you in chemistry."

"Oh...that's right...you're that weird girl."


"Pft. There's no way you would be pregnant because I've never slept with someone that looks like you-"

The second you pull out the shiny red silk material Jimin's voice cuts off and he goes completely silent, his entire life seeming to flash before his eyes.

"Wait a second.."

"I...I was the one at your party with this red dress on...I went with my friend Minnie...and we...um..."

Your entire face lights up red as Jimin only continues to stare at the dress, his eyebrows creasing together in unfazed confusion.

"Hyung! Whose at the door-"

Your eyes widen when you see Jimins best friend pop into your sights and his eyes follow Jimin's to the material laced between your fingers, his jaw lightly dropping open.

"Hey! I knew I recognized you! You were that girl that Hyung had in his room!"

Embarrassment fills every cell of self confidence you could have mustered up to get through this as Jimin looks at you in disbelief and an odd emotion you can't quite pinpoint.

"Wait a second."

Oh no.

"I thought you said you had everything under control."


"I asked you if you had everything under control."

"Hyung what are you talking about-"

"This chick says she's pregnant with my kid."

"Woah! Woah!"

Looking between the boys you simply shove the dress back into your bag and swallow hard, the scrutiny in Jimin's eyes enough to shrink you to the size of an ant.

"You said you had it under control."

"I...I did...I..kissed you and stuff..."

"Not that you idiot! Under control means BIRTH CONTROL."


Your upbringing suddenly makes itself present at your lack of intelligence about these kinds of things, your eyes casting down to your black closed toed clunky shoes.

"Do not tell me you don't know what that is. Are you fucking kidding me right now?!"

"Hyung chill out. Some people don't use it. How was she supposed to know your hoe lingo you use."


Looking up at Jungkook then back at Jimin who crosses his arms and simply stares at you with agitation, his voice dropping down to a sickly sweet level.

"Alright then so you're pregnant. What do you want? Money to get rid of it?"

"What?! No!"

Your voice shrieks down the hallway of the apartment building as you look at him appalled, your hand again protectively pressing against your belly.

"I...I need somewhere to stay..."

"Oh hell no-"

"Just for a month! It's just for a month until I can move in with my friend Minnie...she's going to get a place then I promise I won't ever bother you again."

"What about your OWN house?"

"They...they kicked me out because of the baby."

"Why not just get rid of it then and go back to your own house?"

"Easy for you to say."

Glaring at Jimin you watch his friends eyes glimmer with a strange emotion until he looks over at Jimin and roughly bumps his shoulder, a small frown forming on his face.

"Come on Hyung this child is part yours and it takes two to tango. She's only asking for a month it isn't like she's asking you for much. Plus she's soaking wet and standing out in this cold weather. Don't be an ass."

Swallowing hard and looking at Jimin you watch his eyes soften for only a second before he looks you up and down and scoffs heavily, his arms still crossed at his sides when he turns and walks back inside.

"Fine then. One month. And I mean ONE. Four weeks then you better be out of here."

He let me in!

Quickly taking your shoes off and stepping into the apartment you look around at all the pretty decorations, your heart fluttering in relief.

Okay...now we have somewhere to stay little baby...just until we can move in with your aunt Minnie...don't worry...I'll keep you safe...

"Um...where do you-"

"Here, you can stay in this extra bedroom, theres already a bed in there and shit. Try not to stain anything because my mother's friend owns the place and that's the last thing I need."

Nodding softly and following Jimin down the hallway he opens the door and you walk into the bedroom slowly, a small smile trying to play on your tired lips.

"Thank you-"

"No need to thank me. I already know this is more than I need to do."

Frowning and setting your bag in the sink of the bathroom connected to the bedroom you give him a small grin which he doesn't return, his tone laced with light disgust.

"Keep to yourself and don't touch any of my shit. Got it?"

"Got it...I won't I promise..."

When he leaves the room you stand in the middle of the floor while patting your wet skirt, your eyes scanning the beautifully decorated white bedroom, everything in it filled with feminine frills and bows.

This is beautiful...

I always dreamed about a room like this...

Popping your head out the door you watch his dark haired friend say his goodbyes and give you a small wave, your hand swishing back and forth to see him off.

This is actually happening...

I get to stay here...

Then after a month I'll really be free and Minnie and I can live out our dream of being bestie roommates!

"Um...I'm going to take a showe-"

"Don't care."

Jimin walks past you without even looking in your direction, and slams his bedroom door, shutting you out from any kind of communication.

Gosh...he's so rude...

Oh well...I don't have to care about him...I just have to make it to my goal...I just have to make sure me and my baby will have a great future...I'll make sure of that.

(A/N): Oh dear \(0.0)/

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