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(Jimin's POV)

I don't like this.

I don't like these feelings.

Leaning his head back on the warm car seat Jimin keeps his tight grip on the steering wheel of the car before reaching up and touching the mark on his cheek, a small hiss of pain exhaling from his lips from the raw skin.

She didn't have to slap me with her long ass claw nails.

Rubbing his face up and down while pulling his knees up to his chest Jimin feels his bottom lip begin to quiver before her shakes his head violently and laces his fingers tightly through his hair, the pain of tugging his hair taking away from the self loathing thoughts racing through his mind.

Stop it.

Stop it.

I don't want it.

I don't want it to come back.

Please....please just go away...

Trying to get himself together Jimin pulls his hands away from his hair and looks around the car lazily, his eyes landing on the tiny orange sitting beside him in the passengers seat.

...I wonder why she goes around giving fruit when someone helps her.

I don't need her to give me anything.

Picking up the small orange sphere and letting out a deep sigh Jimin looks up at the door before pushing his nail into the peel and opens up the small fruit, the thick citrus smell causing a small grin to crack his somber expression.

She's so odd.

I've never met someone like her before.

Taking a bite of the orange and relaxing back into his seat again Jimin flicks his eyes up to his apartment window and sees the girls big eyes staring down at the car from the curtains, a small chuckle leaving his lips into the silence of his car.

I guess it's kind of weird for people to just sit in their cars.

Plus...I guess I'll get this box out of the trunk...no sense in sitting here wallowing in my own thoughts.

It went away anyway...because of this stupid orange.

Looking down at the fruit and shrugging his shoulders Jimin slowly pushes his hair back down so it doesn't look frazzled and pops the trunk to look down at the large box, one of his hands shyly moving to rub the back on his neck.

I've never done something like this before...oh well...

Maybe she'll like them...


(Y/N's POV)


He's coming!

Abort mission!

Quickly pushing your body off of the window sill and stepping backwards until you get to the hallway you turn on your heels and fly to your bedroom before Jimin gets up the steps, your chest heaving with deep breaths when you finally reach your bed.


I could have been seen.

I don't wanna get yelled at...but he looked strange...like when I saw him that night...

Although...he took the orange.

Grinning widely to yourself and pulling your knees up to your chest you feel butterflies fluttering through your tummy and your chest constrict with light excitement, your toes curling with warmth and happiness.

I knew he liked oranges.

When you hear the front door lock click and squeak when Jimin enters the apartment you slowly get up off your bed and peek your head around the corner outside your door when you see Jimin drop a very large box on the floor in front of him, your eyebrows furrowing together in heavy confusion.

Woah...that's a big box.

Did he order a google maybe?

If it helps use a stove...it's gotta be big like that right?

It isn't until you see Jimin begin pushing the box back towards your room and his that you jump back and almost trip over your own feet trying to not be seen, a small squeak leaving your lips.


We almost fell little baby.

We don't need to do that or else you might get mad at me.

Placing your hands on your belly you smile down at your tiny bump beginning to grow under the thick sweatshirt, your entire face exploding in a deep blush when you look up and see Jimin standing in your doorway looking at you strangely, the gigantic box sitting right in front of his legs almost to the middle of his thighs.


Sucking your lip to your teeth so you can nervously nibble at the skin you pull your hands away from your belly and latch them behind your back, your eyes moving down to gaze at the box.

"What...what is that?..."

"Look in it."

When Jimin shoves the box forward with his feet closer to you you slowly move to the side of the box and point down at it, your blushed gaze causing a small tint of pink to rise on Jimin's own cheeks.

"This box...is for me?"

"It can be if you want it. Just open it. Don't try to lift it though...it's heavy."

Nodding quietly and lowering down to your knees to look at the box you watch Jimin swallow hard and lean down to sit in your doorway, a small frown collecting on your lips when you notice a thin pink line coming from under his sunglasses he still has on.

"Did you get a scratch?"

"Don't worry about it. Just open-"

Reaching over quickly and pulling Jimin's glasses down you watch his eyes widen in shock

"What are you-"

"You have a scratch on your face..."

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Just open the box-"

"If you don't put something on that then it'll scar. Don't worry I have something I can put on it in my backpack."

Looking around the room you let out a small huff of defeat when you gaze over at Jimin and see him simply staring at you with a blank expression, his eyes swirling with about every emotion possible.

"I...left my bag in the living room...I'll go get it!"

Standing up as quickly as possible and carefully stepping past Jimin you race into the living room and rummage through your backpack on the couch, your fingers gripping around the first aid kit under all of your textbooks.

I wonder how he got a scratch on his face...

Maybe that's why he's sad?

Maybe he'll be happy once I put a bandaid on his scratch.

(A/N): Teeheehee

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