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(Y/N's POV)

The second your eyes flutter open and lock onto your curtains being softly blown by the morning wind, a dark sense of dread washes away the warm fuzzy senses of your dreams.

Ah...once again...here I am...waking up to go to the university again...

At least I got to enjoy a sweet treat last night.

Pushing your tired body out of your bed you quickly get dressed in your regular boring attire and look at your reflection in the mirror with a light smile.

I'm pretty under all of this...I have to keep telling myself that...under these ugly clothes are a beautiful woman that's desired...I'll get there someday and before I know it all of this will just seem like a horrific nightmare!

Putting a little extra pep in your step you carefully make your way down to the kitchen for breakfast and stop when you don't see anything sitting on the counter, your eyes peering around to find your parents who are usually sitting at the table.

Is it a weekend?...

No...I'm sure it's a weekday..yesterday mother didn't take my planner...

Quietly walking towards the living room you see both your parents sitting on the couch, your mothers unforgiving eyes cutting over to your nervous form.

"Ah, there you are."


"Isn't there food on the counter?"

Fear immediately seizes you in your spot as your mother takes her reading glasses off and stands up with a condescending voice, the tone sending shivers down your spine.

"I just figured why have someone cook for you? Why not just allow you to ravage through the cabinets and make it yourself?"

At that moment you feel all the color drain from your face as you look down at the ground until your mother grips your chin and forces you to look up into her merciless eyes, her perfect lips pressed into a thin hard line.

"After all I have taught you, you decide to practice thievery in my home?"

Oh no...


"Stop talking back! Do you really think you have the right to speak right now?!"

Grabbing your sweater and forcefully yanking you into the living room you let out a small whimper and lock your eyes on the grey and white footage on the tv, your eyes growing wide with panic.

"Now let's have a look at this why don't we?"

Tears begin welling in your eyes as your mother clicks the play button and you watch in horror as it shows you come in the door and quickly snatch the sweet treat while shoving it in your pocket, your mothers voice growing sickly sweet in your ear.

"Did you honestly think you would get away with this kind of act?"

The security cameras....I never thought...I forgot we had those...

"Is this the payment we get back for taking care of you all of these years? Your entire life? You steal from us?"

"I...I just...it was just one-"

Suddenly your head whips to the side when your mothers hand connects with it while you stumble backwards and let out a small squeak, your cheek already burning with pain.


"I did not raise a disrespectful thief. Your father and I work very hard to provide the things for you that we do. As a young woman I understand off behaviors but you need to be put straight. This shall not happen again, will it?"

Sliding your hand up to meet your burning cheek you turn to your mother and try your hardest to keep your tears at bay as you silently nod and bite your lip to stop it from quivering.

"Y-Yes Mother...I-I understand...I-I apologize for my actions...it won't happen again..."

You slightly flinch when your mother moves forward and pats your head with satisfaction as her smile returns on her perfectly structured cheeks, your eyelashes now practically drenched with tears.

"There we are, that's better. Now get off to school. I feel after this breakfast and lunch aren't a necessity, wouldn't want you to get puffy now would we."

Your throat begins to ache with the growing lump in it as you bow to both of your parents and make your way to the door trying hard to stare in front of you as your heart shatters and crumbles to your stomach.

I knew better.

I shouldn't have taken something without asking.

I should have known she would catch me doing it.

Hearing your shoes lightly click off the chilly concrete steps you make your way down to the car where the driver awaits you, his judging eyes doing little to help you in your current situation.

Why didn't I just go to my room and study like a normal person would...

Now I don't get breakfast or lunch...

Placing your hand on your stomach as it growls in hunger you simply lay your head back and allow the negative emotions to ravage through your body and consume you until a single tear rolls down your cheek and drips onto your hand.

It'll be okay...

Think of the party...think of the pretty dress...think of the way Jimin looked at you...and how he wanted you...how he thought you were the prettiest girl in the room..

Think of the music...think of the people having fun around you...you were one of them...

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry.

No matter how hard you try to keep your tears at bay a deep sob emits from your throat and you cover your face with your sweater sleeves quickly as every tear comes flowing out of your eyes onto the thick material, your knees beginning to shake in fear.

What if she hits me again when I get home?

Am I not thin enough already for her?

I'm an awful daughter.

I'm an awful person.

Will I have dinner?

Will I have breakfast tomorrow?

How long is she going to punish me for this?

My entire existence is already a punishment!

(A/N): Character Development takes so long 🤷🏼‍♀️ gotta love it tho ;P

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