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"How is it?"

Quickly shoving the rice and veggies into your mouth you try not to cry at the new array of food in front of you, your eyes gazing up at Minnie with love.

"It's so good..."

"What are you gonna do about eating at home? You're gonna go nuts with cravings."


Peanuts sound really good...

"Uh...I figured..I would hide food in my shirt like how you hid that test..."

"Jesus Y/N. You're going to make me cry."


"Because you can't even have proper food. It just pisses me off."

"Don't worry Minnie! Once my mother sees that there's going to be a new baby in the house, she'll start allowing me to have proper foods."

"You...you're so enthusiastic..."

Placing your hand on your belly you take another bite of the veggies and nod your head, your eyes sparkling with newfound adoration.

"I really am...I'm really happy..."

"Ya know if you have a boy, you could have a son as attractive as Park Jimin."


I never thought about that...

"And if you have a girl, she'll be as pretty as you."

Oh...I don't...I'm not...


"No it's true! You're literally so gorgeous remember the night of the party?!"

Mmm...she's right...

Jimin said I was pretty...

"Although you're gonna get a belly."

"But it's a baby belly so it's okay."

"You are literally so odd I've never met a girl so excited to have an unplanned baby."

Feeling giddy and light on your feet you follow Minnie to throw away the paper tray while turning around and looking at Jimin who makes out with a different girl against the stone walls of the cafeteria, your lip moving to clasp between your teeth.

Jimin is really good looking..I guess that does mean my baby will be nice...

And mother is really pretty as well...she has really good looks...her and father both do...

My baby will be pretty no matter what...because it's mine...

"Y/N come on we're gonna be late for class."

You notice Jimin's eyes move up to meet yours only for a second until Minnie whisks you away and drags you down the hallway towards your class, your cheeks tinting a soft shade of red.

He looked at me...

He has such pretty eyes...although...they always look sad...amongst his cool guy look...he always just looks sad....

"How long are you going to hide this from your mom?"

Snapping back to reality you hold your books against your stomach and shrug your shoulders while carefully making your way up the stairs towards your last class, the other students elbow to elbow with you and Minnie.

"I guess until I can't hide it anymore...with these baggy clothes my mother won't know for a really long time...she'll probably just tell me I'm fat and try to give me less food."

You try to shake off the look of pity on Minnie's face as you walk into your classroom and slide down into your desk while jumping with light surprise seeing the black haired male sitting in front of you.


Jimin is in class?...

He never comes into class?

Resting your chin on your hand you look down at the delicate vine tattoo that intertwined together and reaches outside of his T-shirt to circle around the coal black "Nevermind."

His tattoo looks nice on him...

Biting your lip and allowing your mind to escape and slip away to the memories of the party, the same arms in front of you the ones that held you so dear and close that fateful night.

You don't even know that I'm sitting right behind you...I'm the girl with the red dress...the one you chose that night...

Your lips stretch into a small smile before you pull out your textbooks and jump when you look up and Jimin is looking right at you with an odd look in his eyes, his gaze quickly shifting to your notebook.

"Do you have a piece of paper I can borrow?"

"U-Um y-yeah! S-sure!"

You can hear the venomous whispers of the other girls in the room as you quickly rip a piece of paper out of your notebook and hand it to him, his eyebrows furrowing together with confusion.

"Have I met you before?"

Oh no!

Think fast Y/N!

"Um..I've been sitting behind you this whole time..."

"Ah. Right. My bad."

Just like that, your existence is suddenly executed when he turns back around and doesn't speak another word to you the entire class, your heart slamming in your chest the entire time.

Did he really slightly recognize me?

There's no way!

Minnie made me look so different...so pretty...he couldn't possibly...

Relaxing your back against the desk when the professor releases you all from class your eyes flick up to meet Jimin's again when you catch him staring at you with a confused gaze, his head lightly shifting to the side.

"I could have sworn-"

"Hyung! Come on!"

"Ah. Right. Coming Jungkook."

At this point your jaw feels like it might unhinge and drop on the floor as you watch Jimin join his friend and exit the classroom, your heart beating so fast it causes a wave of nausea to hit your form.

That was way too close.

He never comes to class so I guess me thinking I could hide completely...

Why is he all of a sudden starting to come?!

He usually stays downstairs and makes out with the pretty girls when the classes switch...what would make him change now?

Finally collecting your things and zipping up your backpack you wait by the door for Minnie to join you to walk you to your car, your eyes following Jimin's dark nicely dressed form make his way among the crowd with an odd weight set on his thin shoulders, your heart suddenly aching for the young man.

Always so sad...

I wonder what made him that way...

(A/N): Awkward chapter? :D

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