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"I...I-I'm not really hungry though..."

"Come on just try a piece of this chicken, it's really good."

Standing in the doorway of your room with a small pout making a home on your lips you gaze at the boy happily opening the different boxes of chicken, your hands pressing the teddy bear against your belly watching Jimin quietly.

But...I'm not hungry...and I just showered...

"I promise you'll like this one, come here, I'll give you a piece."

Exhaling a small sigh and pushing your lip out in a deeper pout you pad over to Jimin slowly and step in front of him, your exhausted eyes flicking up to meet Jimin's slightly blushed cheeks.

"Here, try this one, open your mouth so you don't have to put your bear down."

Oh...I...he doesn't want me to put my teddy down?

Swallowing hard and slowly opening your mouth your eyes widen when Jimin leans in and carefully places a piece of chicken in your mouth with his chopsticks, his lips stretching out into a bread-like grin.

"Isn't it good?"

......This is the best chicken in the world.

Tilting your head up towards the male and quietly munching away at your bite of chicken you wiggle your toes against the carpet, your teddy bear pushed tighter against your belly.

"Mhm! I like this!"

"See I knew you would like this kind. It's so much better than that other chicken I would buy."

But the other chicken is magical too....all these chickens are just magical...

"Thank you for the bite of chicken..."

"Here, have a few pieces of it."

"But I'm so full already..."

When Jimin looks down at your delicately pouted cheeks his eyes turn down with warmth as he sits down in his chair, his gaze slowly drifting down to your teddy covered tummy.

"Will you at least eat three more pieces for me? We'll save the rest for tomorrow then and eat it in the morning."

"....only three more?"

"I promise, only three more."

Hesitantly taking a place beside Jimin and setting your teddy bear on your lap you watch him slowly pick out three piping hot pieces of chicken and set them in front of you, his eyebrows playfully wiggling at the meal.

"There's three different flavors, if you don't like one of those then just tell me."


Jimin is looking at me strangely....usually he just glares at me and stays on his couch...

I wonder why he's being nice all of a sudden...

Slowly munching away silently at the chicken in front of you your eyelids fight the heavy exhaustion trying to overtake them, the sandy sensation causing you to let out a soft whine.

"You okay? Is the chicken too hot?"

"Hmm?....no...I'm just tired..."

"You only slept for like an hour today, I'm sure you are tired. Alright then I'll let you off the hook this once, go ahead and go to sleep."

Simply giving Jimin a nod and slowly exiting the table to make your way to your bedroom you whine all the way to your mattress that welcomes you in its cool cozy embrace, your hands protectively sliding down to your belly.

Goodness little baby...I'm sure you're so overwhelmed by all of this food...I hope you have enough room for all these yummy treats!

Pressing your head onto your pillow and moving your tired gaze to the mirrored doors of your closet your eyes set on the male sitting by himself at the table silently eating his chicken, your lips stretching into a delicate smile at the sight.

I wonder what it feels like to give Jimin a hug...

I've never had a lot of hugs before...but I bet he gives the best hugs in the whole world...

Pulling your teddy bear up to your belly and softly sighing to yourself your lips lightly part when you notice Jimin looking at you in the reflection of your doors from the table, your heart immediately skipping a beat when you notice his warm gaze.


Why are you making my heart flutter like this....

You're staring at me...like...I'm someone important to you...

Slowly watching Jimin get up from the table and turn his attention to putting away the boxes of chicken you slowly pull the big hood of Jimin's sweatshirt over your head and nuzzle into it, the small hint of his musky cologne still evident in the warm material.

Even when you're mean to me...I still can't help but thank you...

This bed...these clothes....all of this is more than I've ever had....

This is the best nights of sleep I've ever had in my life.....and now you want me to stay....

I don't have to worry about finding a different home...I can rest...and fix my broken body so my baby can grow up healthy in my tummy...

Slowly tugging up your sweatshirt past your belly and placing your hand on your warm skin you feel your lips stretch into a wide smile, your entire body slowly succumbing to a comfortable slumber that slowly creeps up your form.

Little baby...I can tell you're growing well...I can feel you getting bigger in my belly...you've already survived for three months with me...through all of the walking and all of the sickness I've felt so far...you've stayed with me and been my best friend...even if you aren't actually here yet...

I love you so much...I'll never be able to tell you or show you how much I love you and how happy I am to get to be your mama...boy or girl...I'll love you no matter what you are....and I know everyone else will love you too...

Balling your body up and wrapping your arms fully around your exposed belly under your shirt you let out a small sigh, a tiny tear of happiness slowly dripping down your cheek onto the hood of your sweatshirt.

My little baby...you're...the biggest blessing.....that could ever happen in my life......

I love you...so much...

(A/N): Double update because I'm feeling SOFT AF

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