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(Jimin's POV)


This is laughable.

Quickly chucking the duffel bag into the apartment and onto the plush couch, his eyes scanning the room with hatred and anger.

Mother thinks she's really going to stick me in this apartment until I "learn my lesson?"

What lesson?

To end up like her?

Like all of them?

As if.

Setting his other bag down on the coffee table Jimin carefully picks up a small postcard with a credit card attached to it, a low scoff emitting from the bottom of his throat.

"My son, this will cover the rent in this apartment for seven months while you get your life back on track. Mother loves you."

"Ha...as if she's ever loved anything in her life."

Pulling the card off of the postcard Jimin settles down onto the couch and gazes around at the apartment, a small sense of dread beginning to spread through his chest.

Does she really think this is going to change anything about me?

What lesson do I need to be learning?

What is she trying to prove by doing this?

It's probably just another one of her shitty power plays.

She's good at those.

Stalking over to the fridge Jimin opens it up and frowns at the empty appliance, the chilly air wafting against the exposed skin above his V-necked T-shirt.

No alcohol at all?

Not even any food?


Slamming the fridge shut Jimin pulls out his wallet and lays his money all over the table, his regular smirk returning to his face.

So she thinks she's going to stop me from living my life just because she's the one with money?


Jimin feels his phone buzzing in his pocket so he carefully pulls out the device and answers it, his friends happy tone echoing to his ear.

"Hey Hyung! Can I come over tonight?"

"Sure but you have to come to an apartment, my mom is pissed at me and kicked me out to "learn my lesson" at this hellhole."

"Woah...she actually kicked you out?"

"Yeah. When I got home she was already packing my stuff."

"Well alright then text me the address and I'll be right over."

"Hey Jungkook-ah."


"Will you grab some chicken and beer on your way? I'll give you the money when you get here."

"Of course Hyung! I'll be there soon."


Mother is an idiot if she feels like she can boss
me around like this and try to make it seem like she's making a good decision and being a good person to her son.

Become a lawyer she says.

Be a good person she says.

And yet she could never do any of those things if she tried.


"So how long do you have to live here Hyung?"

Quickly taking a bite of the steaming hot chicken Jimin rolls his eyes and wipes his mouth off, his eyes cutting up to look at his best friend.

"Well my mother gave me a postcard with a rent card of seven grand so looks like I'm stuck here for seven months. We'll see how long she can last without having someone else in the house with her."

"Do you still have your cards and everything so you can survive?"

"She shut them all down. She thinks if I don't have money that will somehow humble me and make me appreciate her more."

"Isn't the point to humble you about money?"

"No that isn't how she works Jungkook, she wants you to appreciate HER."


"You know Jungkook why can't all women be like that girl in the red dress? She comes to the party, I seduce her, we sleep together, then she leaves without needing anything else from me. She didn't even ask me for my number like the other girls always do."

"Yeah looks like you met the female embodiment of you Hyung."

Sitting back in his chair Jimin recalls the night his hands first touched the tender silk material of the dress, his face heating up and tinting red.

"No...she wasn't like me at all. Which is why I'm happy she didn't ask for my number. Innocent girls like her don't last very long. Theyre too fragile."

"Mm...you have it all laid out don't you Hyung."

"Well yeah, you gotta know what you're getting involved with."

"You don't get involved with anybody you just sleep with them."

Watching his best friend roll his eyes Jimin frowns and takes a second to look around at the boring decor of the small two bedroom apartment, his chest expanding with a mental sigh.

This place won't impress many girls, looks like I'll have to use my looks a little more.

I wonder what attracted that girl in the red dress...she looked at me so strangely...almost like she was scared of me...

Probably just another innocent girl from another town that wanted a wild night out.

Her weird rainbow friend must have been the one that brought her, I kind of recognize her face.

"Are you still gonna have parties?"

"I don't know...my mother obviously knows the apartment owners here so I'm sure they'll have the cops here in no time if I try to throw a party. Looks like I'll have to do most of my footwork at the university."

"Or...you could just take this time to focus-"

"Focus? On what? Learning the shit that she put on track for me to become exactly like she is? No way."

Crossing his arms Jimin looks down at his feet while feeling a sense of malice and disgust bubbles in his chest, his eyes lightly moving up to gaze at his best friend.

"Sorry Jungkook, just...not in a good mood is all."

"Hey maybe you should find that red dress chick that'll make you feel better."

"Why would that make me feel better?"

"I dunno, you sure do bring her up a lot."

"I bring up a lot of girls I sleep with."

"Mmm not so sure about that Hyung."

Psh...I bring up girls.

It isn't just her.

She's nothing special.

Just another chick I met, slept with, and never have to see again.

(A/N): Awkward chapter, my bad 😘

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