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"Thank you...for telling me all of that Jimin..."

Quietly holding your now empty cup between your legs and hugging your teddy bear against your belly you watch a small smile grow on Jimin's tired lips, his eyes now glassed over with a hollow fleeting sense of sorrow.

"Ah...you're welcome I guess. Hope I answered all your questions."

I don't like it...but I feel relieved...that you haven't been with Minnie in that way...

"Y-You did...."

"....Are you hungry again?"

"E-Eh? N-No...I'm really full..."

"Remember you have to eat a little more than usual because you're trying to gain weight."


"Here, I'll put your glass in the kitchen."

Quickly grabbing your glass and handing it to the now standing boy you find your gaze following his form moving to the kitchen, your teeth lightly nibbling at the inside of your lip.

Jimin looks sad again...that must have been really hard for him to talk about....he knew Lily before she passed away....

I wish I could have met her...and been like her...I wish I was strong enough to stand up to people for myself....but....if one of the girls are mean to me...all I can do is stand there...like a deer in the headlights...

Slowly standing up from the couch and padding over to where Jimin stands you tenderly tug on his rolled up sweater sleeve to get his attention, his cheeks warming into a soft blush when he moves his gaze down to you.


"I-I'm gonna go take a shower..."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Th-Thank you...f-for letting me s-sit on the couch..."

"Let you? I never said you couldn't sit on the couch, it's a couch. You aren't trapped in your bedroom or anything you can sit on the table if you wanted to and I wouldn't care."

He...doesn't care...if I sit anywhere?


Feeling your eyes widen and glitter with growing admiration you simply nod at Jimin and back away from his form, a small chuckle escaping into the silent room from the male.

"You really like that bear, don't you?"

"W-Wh-What? Oh...Yes..I...I love it actually...it's comfortable on my tummy."

At the mention of your growing belly you watch Jimin's face completely soften and glitter with an expression of pity and sorrow, your lips pursing into a thin line at the male's look.

Hmm...only one other person has ever looked at me like that.

Minnie must have told Jimin things about me.

"Well I..uh...I'm glad you like it."

He must know what mother would do to my tummy when I would eat.

Looking down at the floor and taking off towards your room you slowly shut your door and slide down the wall to the soft cream colored carpet, your emotions running so high you feel tears begin to build in your heavy exhausted eyes.

I don't want Jimin to look at me that way.

I want him to see me as he sees other pretty girls...I don't want him to pity me!

Wrapping your arms around your teddy bear and burrowing your face into the delicate pink fur you slowly let out a silent sob, your heart jolting with a sour sense of defeat.

What all did Minnie tell him?

He said I wasn't trapped in my room....did she even tell him about that too?!

Why would she do that....now Jimin is going to look at me like my parents did...like I'm some kind of a sad case...like...like I'm just some kind of baby!

Tilting your head back against the cool white wall of your bedroom you stand up from your place on the floor and step over to the box with Minnie's sequin dress hanging over the side, your eyes narrowing into a deep glare at the flashy material.

She's trying something.

Minnie is very smart.

She obviously knows how to manipulate people.

I just have to try and be better.

I have to try and be smarter, and show Jimin that I'm a woman too.

Clutching the dress into your tight fist you quickly step over to the corner of the room and shove the material down into the trashcan, tears rolling down your cheeks heavier and heavier the harder you shove the material into the plastic can.

I'm a woman too.

I'm not a broken doll.

I'm not something that can be thrown away.

I don't want to be pitied.

I just want to be looked at as everyone else.

I just...I just want to be normal!


I wonder......how Jimin sees me....

Standing in front of your mirror in only your towel wrapped around your body you stare at your own reflection dripping wet and steaming from the heat of the water, a small sigh escaping your lips into the room.

I wonder...if anyone sees me as a woman...

Will I ever be looked at as normal?

Is it because of my weight?

How I talk?

Because I don't know a lot of things?

Because........mother.........was mean to me?......

Softly hiccuping to yourself and placing your hand on your slightly pushed out belly you feel an overwhelming sense of warmth wash over your body, your negative emotions depleted thinking of your growing baby in your belly.

Oh little baby...your mama will never ever hurt you...I don't want you to ever have to live like I've had to...I want you to succeed...and I want you to grow up and be whatever you want to be...and love with a free mind...a mind of safety...to lay down at night....and know...that your mama loves you more than she'll ever love herself...

Suddenly breaking your train of thought and snapping your gaze over to your door your eyes widen when you see Jimin looking at you, his own face darkening to the deepest shade of red possible when he notices your towel covered form.


Swallowing hard and looking down at your exposed legs Jimin quickly turns his head and tears his eyes away from you, his lips pressing into a thin hard line.

"I went ahead and ordered some chicken...if you want some. I got hungry so. Uh. Yeah. I'll uh. Leave you to it then."

Shutting your bedroom door as fast as possible before letting you respond you find your jaw hanging open in shock, even your nose turning pink with your own blush overtaking your face.


And he looked at me differently than before....he didn't hold that pitiful expression....

....maybe....he...doesn't look at me the same way Minnie does.....

Maybe...he sees me as a woman after all...

(A/N): We love domestic character development 😌☕️

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