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...I just want to go to sleep...

After hanging up the small articles of baby clothes into the closet and racing to the bathroom you slowly walk into your bedroom and crawl under the soft plush covers, a small sigh escaping your lips.

My bladder hurts...

That's the fifth time I've been to the bathroom...

I wonder if that's normal...

Slowly closing your eyes and covering your head with your arms you try to relive some of the pain from crying as you curl your legs up, the sound of the from door opening gaining a small whimper emitting from your lips.

Great...Jimin is having more company...

Maybe I can fall asleep before the noise stops..

I'm so sad....Piper is gone...and Minnie didn't even wait for me...am I not going to have anymore friends now?...

Minnie acted so strangely...I've never seen her act like that before...

Oh well...I need to stay positive...I need to think about the positive things going on.

Um......I have a job...and I have these comfy clothes to wear...and Piper got me these pretty clothes...yeah...plus Piper said I could write her which means she really doesn't have to be completely gone...she'll still be with me....

Whimpering at the soft pressure weighing down on your bladder you sit up and push your fingers through your hair, your sore eyes drifting over to your closed door.

I hope this is normal...is it okay to pee this much?

Maybe Jimin would know...but he has company...

"Hyung don't drop the chicken!"

Oh..wait...that's Jungkook's voice...

Standing up from your bed and shyly popping open the bedroom you peek in at the two males collected in front of the small kitchen table, Jungkook's voice bringing you a small sense of comfort.

At least he came over instead of a girl...now I don't have to hide in the shower all night....

Maybe...I should ask Jimin...what if it isn't normal?

Would he even know?

Gathering up any ounce of confidence in your body you slowly slip out into the hallway and walk into the living room where the boys now sit with plates all laid out, Jungkook's smile automatically greeting you.


"H-Hi Jungkook..."

Flicking your eyes over to Jimin who doesn't acknowledge your existence you calmly walk over to him and touch his sleeve, his face automatically settling into a frown.


"Um..c-can I ask you something?..."

"Go ahead I guess."

"W-Well...c-can I ask you it in private?"

"If it's something you have to ask me in private then I don't want to know it. You can ask a question with Jungkook here."


"No. If she has something to say then she can say it."

Feeling your knees beginning to shake you begin biting the inside of your lip, your anxiety now spiking to a dangerous level looking between the two boys.

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