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43 Days since Atlas' Fall...

Mission Log: Infiltration Operation 343-GS.

Squadron: Fox-Bot

Inside the ruins of Mantle, Grimm fly overhead. Some Nevermores, others are Beringels with wings. A few ships also fly over the ruins as well. A small street is seen with several collapsed buildings. Four figures stand on a rooftop. One raises his fist and waves the others down. The four quickly move down from the roof and over to a doorway. One, a female, walks up to it. Her eyes glow blue as the light reveals Penny Polendina. Upfront, the male from before raises two pistols, Tooth, and Fang. It is Ember Ignis and beside him with her sniper rifle is Ruby Rose.

Last it is Oscar Pine. He takes off his mask and takes a deep breath in.

Oscar: It's hard to breathe with this stuff on.

Ember: I know. Just keep it on. We don't want her finding out you are here.

Oscar nods and pulls the mask up. Ruby walks over and looks at Penny.

Ruby: Anything.

The door beeps.

Penny: We're in.

The door opens and quickly the four rush through. Ember pulls the door close and turns back to his teammates. He allows Penny to guide them as they walk through the remains of Pietro's lab. Penny begins to move through the halls as Ember keeps the rear covered. He walks over to some low rubble and pulls his mask down. He gets his nose up against a crack and takes a few sniffs.

Ruby stops and watches him as Penny and Oscar move on. Ember pulls back a little and turns to the group.

Ember: We need to pick up the pace a little. Grimm could be back at any moment.

Ruby: We'll be fine. I have confidence in us.

Ember: It's not that I'm worried about. It's the ship. We didn't do the best of job masking it.

Ruby: You said the area was secured.

Ember: I did not. May and Leia said it was secure. We put this all on them.

Ruby: Your teammates.

Ember sighed a little. Ruby glanced back and could see the annoyed scowl on his face.

Ruby: Not the right time, got it.

Ember: Nothing on you. I mean, I'm the resident joker. So I can judge that thoroughly, thank you.

Ember smirked his smile wide for her. Ruby smiled back as they kept walking. The two looked forward as Penny was standing in front of a large computer screen.

Ruby: (To Penny) What is it that your father wanted us to find?

Penny: Me.

Penny presses a key and all of Penny's plans, research, and everything was pulled up. Penny turned back to the others.

Ruby: This is great! We can help preserve you! We can make more of you!

Penny looks over to Ember, sadness in both their eyes. Ember sighs and walks forward.

Ember: We didn't tell you this but...

Penny: It's a purge, Ruby. A way to make sure I don't fall into enemy hands.

Ember walked up to the console and began to prep for deletion of all the files.

Ruby: You can't!

Penny: It's for the best, Ruby.

Ruby: But...that's no different than killing her!

Ember stops. He looks at the button. One push and Penny would be gone forever. He slightly pulls back.

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