Night of Celebrations

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Everyone had returned to the house. Some falling asleep on the way only to be awaken seconds later. Others already passed out from the battle itself. Either way, Team RWBY was back together, the night had been won and everyone lived. A darn good night. Qrow was inside the house's kitchen with Kali and Ghira Belladonna as the students were in the main living room, everyone relaxing and hanging out. Of course, the Belladonnas and Sun Wukong were still questioning some on the knowledge of Salem, but that wasn't the biggest priority. At least to some.

Ghira: Are you sure there is nothing to worry about right now? If what you said-if that is all true then shouldn't we be worried?

Qrow: Well, with respect, chief, there's not much to worry about.

Kali: Are you sure? If they are after these relics in all the huntsmen academies then-

Qrow: Then we'll build up defenses, in time. It took them a whole year from Beacon to Haven. If we can get a ship, everything should be smooth sailing. Besides, the last thing we need now is to over work these kids. I think they earned tonight.

Inside the dinning room, Ember is throwing things into a blinder that should not be mixed together. The other teenagers look on in both fear and confusion. In a corner of the room, Oscar and Ruby are sitting on a couch, both passed out. Next to Ember is Fred and May and Leia is sitting on the other side.

Weiss: So, what exactly is this?

Ember: Cirno Juice. (Removes lid and smells it.) Oh, that smells bad! (To Fred) Get me the core.

Fred: You're a sick man.

Ember: I know.

Leia: I'm with Weiss on this one, I would like some information.

Ember: Cirno Juice is an old training tactic used by out dad. Get the most disgusting things in the house, blend them together and loser drinks. And since I told Yang about this and the fact her and Nora's arm wrestle isn't fully complete yet, yeah. That and also she made a request for a certain someone who abandoned her. I think we all know who that is.

Everyone turned and faced Blake.

Blake: Ok, yeah. I get it guys.

Ember: That and I've been meaning to arm wrestle Sun for some months now. So, what better of a wager.

Sun: Works for me.

Fred came back in and tossed the apple core to Ember. He walked over and sat beside Yang.

Ember: Alright then ladies and gentlemen! Let the Cirno Juice drinking, commence!

Ember began to blend the final ingredients together. As he is, Fred is hugged by Yang and places his head on her shoulder and yawns.

Yang: Tired, Sweetie?

Fred: Since when do you call me "Sweetie"?

Yang: Fine, Tough Guy.

Yang leaned down and kissed his forehead. A glass of the blended juice slid down the table and right in front of Blake. A small bubble popped from the top and Blake had a disgusted face on.

Blake: How much of this do I have to drink again?

Yang: All of it!

Blake: R-Really? I mean that punch in the face you gave me back at Haven was enough.

Yang: Nope! Drink up!

Blake grabs the glass and slowly brings it up to her face. She takes a deep breath and begins to drink the juice. As she did, her eyes burst open and tears fall from her eyes. Finally she is done and looks like she is about to throw up.

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