The Meeting

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An Atlas Broadcast News airship hovers in the night sky above the Schnee Manor. Four hover cars drive along the driveway loop and come to a stop in front of the manor. The entire party steps out with the Ace-Ops as well. Ironwood steps out of the fourth car with Winter Schnee and the Ace-Ops. The rest of his group gets out of the other side of Ironwood's car.

Ironwood: Suppose we should smile for the cameras?

Winter: Sir, with all due respect, you'd have to pay me.

Ironwood: I already do that.

Winter: Then make it double.

Ironwood smiles in amusement from Winter's response, and the two head to the front door of the manor. Ember slicks back his hair some more as May looks at him.

May: What are you doing?

Ember: Looking presentable. Duh.

May: You already look presentable.

Ember: On Menagerie, sure. But this is a different beast.

Weiss stops and takes a deep breath before following them. Everyone gathers at the door, and Ironwood rings the bell. The double doors open to reveal Whitley Schnee.

Whitley: Good evening, everyone.

Weiss: Where's Klein?

Whitley responds with a sarcastic smile and somewhat dramatic poses.

Whitley: What an interesting way to say "Hello, dear brother, how have you been?"

He crosses his arms and continues to address Weiss with a frown.

Whitley: I'm afraid you won't find him here. He was let go. I can't imagine why.

Whitley smirks, and upon realizing what he meant, Weiss gasps and looks guilty.

Whitley: General, exactly how large do you think our dining room table is?

Ironwood: I happen to know it's enormous. But most of my guests will be on standby in case of the council requests additional eyewitnesses. Until then I'm sure they'll be happily celebrating your father's victory.

Whitley forces a sarcastic grin with a smug chuckle, then rolls his eyes as he turns to lead them into the foyer. Scattered around the room are small groups of formally dressed guests. Waiters roam the room with trays of wine glasses and hors d'oeuvres. Whitley stops in the middle of the room, turns to Ironwood's group and points to his right.

Whitley: For those of you joining us in the dining room, please follow me.

He walks in the direction he pointed, crossing his arms behind his back. Ironwood, Winter, Penny, Fred, and Clover being to follow. Yang walks over and takes Fred's hand, getting him to look at her.

Yang: careful. Alright?

Fred: I'll be fine. (Fred walks up to her and whispers) Just don't go crazy.

Yang: I know this is supposed to be a black-op but I-

Fred: Relax. Ember's gonna walk you through everything. Don't worry. Just keep low and don't go too crazy. Ok?

Yang smiles and nods. Fred kisses her forehead and walks with the rest to the dining hall.

Jacques: General Ironwood, please... have a seat.

Jacques is standing on the other side of the room at the head of a long dining room table, and he opens his arms in invitation. Sitting to either side of him are Councilman Sleet and Councilwoman Camilla. On the left side of the room, is standing by a window, staring outside with her arms crossed. Ironwood nods to Clover and Winter, who then take their seats on either side of the end of the table nearest to them. Penny takes a seat next to Winter.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now