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The white cloud slowly lifted from Vytal, allowing sight to return to those in the area. The blast was large enough to destroy Monstra and blast everyone nearby miles back towards the base. Slowly, Ironwood, Qrow, and Mason get to their feet, coughing as their vision comes back to them all. Mason shook his head and coughed a little, glancing around the battlefield. A few Atlas and Vale soldiers crawled their way back, running back towards the walls of the compound. Mason is still, in a dazed state, until a hand slams down onto his back. Mason snaps up to see Isaac standing over him.

Isaac: Let's go, old man! We need to move!

Mason slowly got to his feet as Ironwood back stepped with Qrow and Glynda. Mason nods slowly and begins to run back towards the base. Alarms are going off as ships begin to take off. Inside the airfield, Clover is directing troopers to ships as the five from out front limp inside the compound. He runs over to them as they walk back inside.

Ironwood: Status?

Clover: Evac ships are underway. Belladonnas, Fumis, and other commands have been moved. Infantry is up now.

Ironwood: Destination?

Clover: Determining that now. The second fleet is moving to southern Sanus.

Ironwood: Fleets 1, 3, and 4?

Clover: First Fleet is maintaining position around Vale. Third and Fourth have moved westbound.

Ironwood: Get us to the first. I want contact with Belladonna at once.

Clover: Yes, sir.

Mason: Where is she?

The group turns back to Mason.

Mason: Where's my wife?

Clover: She's still along the wall. Waiting for forces to fall back and-

Mason ran to the nearest wall access. Qrow reached out a little but stopped as he saw the man run. A hand was placed on his shoulder and Qrow glanced back. There was Isaac, holding him back. Qrow sighed a little and began to move back with his allies to the next ship.


In the ashes of Monstra, the entire group is down along the ground. Fred is inside a crater, his body burned and scarred. Yang slides down and pulls him to his feet with Ember aiding him. In Fred's hand is the staff of Creation. As the large Grimm decays into the sky above, Yang gets a call on her scroll and answers it to see it was Blake, who is biting her fingernail in concern. She brightens up when she sees Yang answers the call.

Yang: Blake?

Blake: Yang! Are you okay? Where are you?

Jaune: Yeah, we're fine. Is everyone there all right?

Blake: We're... alive. This'll help though. Guys! They're okay.

Oscar gets up and Ren tries to help him. They look over at Emerald on her knees not too far away, all alone.

Oscar: What do we do about her?

Emerald: Hazel?

Emerald looks down at her empty palms as black flakes from the dead Grimm fall around her.

Weiss: I'm sending you a map. Fall back to the rendezvous point located, we'll get you in a ship and get moving with the third fleet. Did..did you get the staff?

Yang: Yeah. (Smiles and glances to Fred) We got it.

Ren: There he is!

Yang hangs up suddenly as Ren and Jaune run over to find Hazel, burned, body charred and his right arm melted away down to the bone. Jaune kneels down and uses his semblance on Hazel, his aura heeling a little.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now