Prison Break

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A small manta is flying across the sea, gunning it straight to Vytal. Inside the ship is a few soldiers, all bearing the emblem of the Ombre Army. Next to the pilot seat is Dr. Volt along with Damson Shade directly behind him and Mercury Black. Lavenza puts his scroll away and glances back to reveal Neopolitian slowly stepping out of the shadows to face the doctor.

Lavenza: Get set. You're up soon.

Neo nods and changed into her Atlas uniform before stepping back. Mercury jumps up and down slightly, getting himself pumped up. Lavenza stood up and glared at Mercury a little.

Lavenza: Dont get cocky, boy.

Mercury glared a little but Damson stepped between the two.

Damson: He won't.

Lavenza looked at Damson a little bit and stepped up to him.

Lavenza: New tone.

Lavenza walked off back into the ship. Damson leans up to Mercury.

Damson: Don't! Get cocky.

Damson walked back as well. Mercury glared a little and stepped back with them. Slowly the ship arrived at Vytal Base. The pilot glanced up and over the fleet was a brand new Amity Arena. He whistled a little as the ship continued to move on through. Inside a control center, various Atlas and Vale communications officers are all talking and coordinating different ships.

From the back, Glynda walks in with Winter, Clover, and Harriet Brie. The four look over everything as Winter glances at Glynda.

Winter: No disrespect, but I am amazed by how coordinated you made this base.

Glynda: Offense noted and taken.

Winter: I said-

Glynda: I am aware of what you said.

Glynda steps over and looks at some of the Vale communication workers. One raises a coffee mug to her as a greeting and Glynda smiles and nods a little.

Glynda: Southern Status, McArthur.

The comms officer who raised his mug turns back to her with a smile.

McArthur: Joint operations are going good. CRDL and the remnants of SSMR just cleaned up a small recon search. Found a rundown factory deep in Mountain Glenn. Not much but supplies is supplies.

Glynda: Excellent work. Send Stonewall and Winchester my regards.

Winter slowly walked up to Glynda and raised an eyebrow.

Winter: Winchester? Is that-

Glynda: He's mellowed out in the past year or so. His entire team. Not the top-rated like the others, but they know what to do.

Glynda sighs a little as she looks across the different cameras to monitor troop deployment. She turns back to Winter and raises an eyebrow.

Glynda: How are you feeling?

Winter: What do you-

Glynda: About the Maiden.

Winter goes silent and glances away from Glynda. She sighs and takes a deep breath before stepping forward a little bit.

Winter: We are getting there. Same protocols like always. There is nothing to worry about.

Glynda: I was more or less asking if you were ready for it.

Winter again goes silent.


Inside a small training hall, Oscar is on the sparring field with Jaune, fighting one another. Behind them, Ember is taking shots, going up against Blake, doing what he can to throw her off her game. He laughs a little and runs up to her, slamming his blade onto hers.

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