The Deal

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The following morning, the group woke up early and quickly began to make breakfast. Terra enters the main floor and sees Fred and Yang on the main couch. Fred is sitting next to Yang who is asleep underneath some blankets Fred placed there last night. On the other couch is Blake also curled up into a cat like ball with blankets covering her as well. Terra and Fred lock eyes and she walks over to him.

Terra: Jaune filled us did Qrow. I must say...that was...a sight to just hear about. Then again, teenagers are some of the most evil forces on the planet.

Terra chuckles at her joke and then looks back down to Fred to see he wasn't really amused.

Terra: (Clears throat) Sorry, I-

Fred:'s fine. I'm sorry.

Terra: Hey, you don't have to have the weight of the world on just your shoulders. You know that, right? These guys...they are trying. They want to help. Not just us but you too. Remember that...ok? I mean, one is my brother-in-law, so I kinda want my family to still be around.

Fred chuckles slightly and nods in response. Terra looks down at the sleeping Yang and smiles again.

Terra: She's beautiful.

Fred: I know. Don't need a reminder.

Terra: I...take it that you two were-

Fred: Together. Over a year. First kiss. First time. First time in 11 years I actually felt like I mattered. Then things happened. Broke up. And now I'm pretty she's dating her (points to Blake). I mean, good on them.

Terra: Not a fan?

Fred: I mean...I...

Terra: You want to talk about it?

Fred: Not here.

Terra nods and the two of them walk out to the back. The second the door closes, Fred breaks down.

Fred: I love her! I will ALWAYS love her! Why did she move on so quickly?! Did I not matter?! Was I just a little...Boy Toy for her?! (eyes glow red and his steps burn the grass as he walks) I gave her everything and I just wanted to know what it felt like to love! Was I just not good enough?! Was I-

Terra: Ok. Calm down. There's a LOT of baggage here. You don't know if they actually are.

Fred: Trust me, I know.

Terra: How?

Fred: Because I know the look she gives Blake. It's the same look she gave me...when she wanted to say... "I love you". Was I really not worth it...? I mean...if it was over Adam I understand. I was a psycho. And yet she still accused and backstabbed and...she was ready to kill him long before I ever came around in that fight. So why?

Terra doesn't say anything but does walk over to Fred and hugs him. Fred slowly hugs back as the tears fall from his eyes.

Terra: How about I go get you some breakfast. And stay out here to think for a bit. Ok?

Fred nods in agreement as Terra goes back into the kitchen to get to work. Later, Saphron comes back down to help as does Qrow and Maria. Before anyone else enters the kitchen, Fred helps with breakfast and he and Maria walk back outside. Finally, Yang awakens to the sound of sizzling bacon and eggs along with other breakfast smells and conversation. She slowly begins to sit up and sees that a blanket was covering her. She looks into the living room and sees everyone is up and about with talk and food.

Blake brings over a plate of food on the coffee table and smiles a bit at Yang.

Blake: I figured you wanted something to eat.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now