Working Through Anima

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Fred and Yang pull up to the gas station "Just-Rite" and park Bumblebee and Crimson Dynamo outside. They both get off and Yang walks up to the entrance of the gas station. Fred follows her inside to see just one man at the bar and a elderly bar tender. They both walk up to the bar and the bartender gives them questioning looks.

Just Rite Bartender: Aren't you a little young to be drinking?

Yang takes off her aviator sunglasses.

Yang: A water. It's hot out.

Just Rite Bartender: Ohhh. Sure. And you sir?

Fred: Fresh supply of gas. Not a full tank out there.

Just Rite Bartender: Oh, sure. It's in the back.

Fred: I'll be back. (Glares at the Shady Man) Stay away from him. I don't trust him.

Fred walks off as the Bartender disappears below the counter and laughter comes from the drunk man a few seats down from Yang.

Shady Man: Shouldn't listen to your friend there. You're a beautiful girl, you know that? You look like a regular Huntress. And a beauty at that.

Yang: I'm good. Thanks, pal.

Shady Man: (approaching Yang undeterred) Seriously. Not too bulky. Not too lean. You're...

Yang: Just right. Yup. Like I said, I'm good.

The mook puts his hand on the countertop next to Yang with a soft moan before reaching out with his other.

Shady Man: And your hair...

Yang grabs his wrist before he can touch her hair. When she turns to face him, her eyes are glowing red, startling him.

Shady Man: Huh?

He barely glances in the correct direction before Yang's metal fist slams into the side of his face. Falling backward, a tooth knocked out of his mouth, the man hits the floor and continues to bounce floor-to-ceiling toward the exit like a pinball before disappearing through the doors. As the doors close behind him, the "Open" sign flips around to "Closed".

Fred walks back and sees Yang's punch. He walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder. She glances back and smiles slightly at him. Fred gives off a similar smile and pecks her cheek.

Just Rite Bartender: (straightening and setting the bottle of water on the counter) This one's on the house. He's been driving me crazy.

Yang reaches for it with her left hand, but it trembles. Fred places his hand on her wrist. She gives another glance at him and he smiles at her. She sighs to herself before picking up the bottle and guzzling the water down. Fred places some Lien on the counter and the bartender takes it and places it in the crash register.

Just Rite Bartender: So, what brings you around these parts?

Yang holds up a finger, still guzzling until the water is gone.

Yang: Thanks. And I'm, uh, looking for someone.

Just Rite Bartender: (chuckling) Not too many people come out here. Too far from the Kingdoms. Only person worth notin' around here is... well, Ra—

Yang: (cutting him off) Raven Branwen. (retrieving her glasses and heading out) Thanks again.

Just Rite Bartender: N-now, missy! You don't want to go messin' with bandits! They're a world of trouble!

Fred: Hey. If you believe what we've been through, bandits are gonna be easy. Thanks for the gas.

Before they leave, Fred runs up to Yang and stops her from walking any farther.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now