Second Semester

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In the library of Beacon Academy, Team FLME is sitting at a table reading books and preparing for next semester.

Ember: You're starring at her again.

Fred: No I'm not.

As the team sits at the table, Fred is leaning against the balcony, watching Team RWBY, mainly Yang, play Remnant: The Game.

Fred: (To himself) Yes! Trap card.

Leia: You know, you could join them?

Fred: They already have four people.

Leia: So, team up. It-

Ember: Complex series of rules. There are NO team-ups. That's not how the game works.

Leia: Sorry.

Fred: Besides, Yang already won the match that this point.

May: Really?

Fred: She's infiltrated Ruby's kingdom and Weiss attacked her own fleet twice.

Leia: All that from watching.

Fred: That and I can hear them screaming it.


Fred: See? (Fred turns around to keep watching the game.) No. No, no. Please no!

Ember: What is it?

Fred: Neptune.

Ember looks over to see Neptune Vasilias and Sun Wukong join Team RWBY.

Ember: Neptune Vasilias? Nice man. Old Neptune.

May: Who?

Ember: Neptune Vasilias. Old fired of ours-

Fred: Yours.

Ember: Of mine. Bit of a flirt, but nice guy. I mean, it's not like he's going to go after Yang.

Fred glares at Ember with the latter giving a smirk.

Ember: Want to go say hi?

Leia: Sure.

May: Why not?

Ember: Fred?

Fred: Go ahead. I've got some work to do.

Ember: Suit yourself.

The three walk over to RWBY, Sun and Neptune.

Fred: (Mumbling) Stupid Neptune. I swear if he even-(Sighs) I'm used to being disappointed at this point.

Fred turns and looks over to see Neptune and Ember give each other a bro hug.

Cut to the other side of the library with RWBY, Sun, Neptune and LME.

Ember: How've you been, man?

Neptune: Good. Good. So-uh, who are these ladies?

Leia: Leia Burns. Burns Industries Corporation. And my partner-

May: May Fumi.

Neptune: S'up.

Yang: Ember?

Ember: Yo.

Yang: Where's Fred?

Ember: Over there (Points to where FLME was previously sitting) Said he has some stuff to handle.

Yang looks over to the table and sees Fred getting packed up. Once he finishes, Yang begins to wave to him. Fred notices and gives a small salute to her and walks out of the library. Yang gives chase to Fred.

Ruby: Yang?! Where are you going?

Yang: Places.

Blake: Yeah I think I'm done playing for now too.

Blake leaves.

Nora: Women.


Along one of the many walkways of Beacon, Fred is walking back to his dorm.

Yang: Hey!!

Fred turns around to see Yang chasing after him.

Fred: Issue?

Yang: You okay?

Fred: Yeah. Just got some work that's all.

Fred begins to leave but Yang grabs his arm and stops him.

Yang: Fred?

Fred: Yang. I'm fine. Just going to do some work. I'll see you later.

Yang: We still have tutoring tonight?

Fred: Yeah. It's Wednesday.

Yang: Ok.

Fred: Later.


Ember, Leia and May enter their dorm and look over to Fred's bed which he is lying on while reading a book. Leia smirks at Fred which Fred final notices they arrived.

Leia: Didn't know you could get so jealous.

Fred: I'm not jealous.

Leia: No. It's understandable. I mean, Neptune is better looking. And you weren't kidding when you said he was a flirt, Ember.

Ember: I think that's a good stopping point.

Leia: What I'm just-(Ember makes a slight shut up) Got it. Good stopping point.

Fred: Thank you.

May walks up next to Fred and leans down to him.

May: She likes you more than Neptune.

Fred: Who?

May: Yang.

May smiles and Fred does the same motion as both look at one another.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now