The Fall

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Back in Mantle, Ember blocks a strike from Damson. He laughs and leaps up a bit and slashes his blades some more and tries to attack Ember again. May fires her sniper rifle from afar and barely misses Damson. Damson twists mid air and uses his tail to land and fling himself away from Ember. He lands before May and he attacks. The two exchange some blade strikes until Ember attacks from behind. Damson barely blocks the attack and fights both Ember and May.

Further down the street, Qrow, Clover and Robyn continue to fight Tyrian. Qrow punches him in the gut and then kicks him in the side, sending him toward Clover and Robyn. While Tyrian slides back, Clover runs forward, deploying a Gravity Bolas. He tosses the bolas and slides between Tyrian's legs, while Tyrian attempts to slash him with his right arm.

The bolas successfully binds his left arm to his side. Clover grips the top of his weapon's hook, and as Tyrian attempts to stab him, Clover pushes Tyrian's arm down with his left hand and uses his right hand to move the pole around behind Tyrian. As Tyrian attempts to pull back, his right arm becomes tangled in Kingfisher's wire, and Clover pulls the pole and holds the hook in place to restrict Tyrian's arm and press his tail against his back. Qrow takes the opportunity to punch Tyrian in the gut.

Damson wraps his tail around Qrow's neck and pulls him down the ground. Ember runs over to Tyrian and flips over him and fires some rounds at the man. May uses the ricochet from her sniper to launch herself forward to slash along Tyrian's legs. Clover uses his fishing poll to grab Damson's wrist and pull it back giving Robyn a clean shot at Damson's chest.

The arrow hits and he lets Qrow go. Qrow sits up and sees Ember and May fighting Tyrian. Qrow stands up and runs to the kids. Ember blocks an attack from Tyrian as the man laughs and gets closer to Ember's face. As he laughs, Tyrian is blocking bullet after bullet from May until she runs towards him to attack. Tyrian glances back with a smile and throws Ember at May and knocks the two back. Tyrian slowly turns around and sees Qrow, scythe extended and already mid-swing.

In less than a second, Qrow strikes and lands just past Tyrian. Tyrian drops his smile and looks down at his chest. Damson perks up and everyone looks over to Tyrian. Along his chest, blood begins to drip out from his body. Tyrian hears a shotgun being cocked and turns around only to see Qrow's gun directly in his face.

Qrow: For Summer.

Qrow fires, blast Tyrian in the face and blowing it clean off. Tyrian Callows was dead in an instant. Damson yells and backhands Clover and wraps his tail around Robyn's neck. He throws Robyn into a store window, smashing it. He runs up and jumps onto Qrow and bites down on his shoulder and tears some of the flesh off. Ember grabs Damson and throws him off of Qrow.

Damson rolls along the ground, getting to his feet as his mouth is covered in blood.


Before Damson can attack again, Ember fires a round at him, but a small figure lands before him and opens an umbrella and blocks the attack. Once the smoke clears, it is revealed to be Neopolitan.

Damson: (Angrily) What do you want?!

Neo holds up a finger, telling him be quiet.

Damson: Can't you see I'm busy!

She waves her finger over and Damson snarls.

Damson: Fine. This isn't over you bastards.

Neo bows as Ember fires again. The two of them shatter like glass as they disappear into the night. Ironwood's manta descends from the sky and lands along their street. From the side of the ship, Oscar steps out and waves to everyone with Ruby, Weiss, Penny and Winter.

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