Bringing the House Down

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Inside the Schnee Manor, everyone watches as Fred and Ember return. Ironwood stands up and looks over to the boys. Fred shakes his head and sighs. He sits back down and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Ironwood: This is exactly what we were talking about. Our enemies are here.

Ember: More importantly, why in the Schnee Manor?

Sleet: Councilman Schnee?

Jacques: I...well...I have no-

The double doors on the other end of the room noisily swing open.

: Wait!

Everyone looks toward the door, and Robyn gains a slightly annoyed expression. Weiss is standing in the doorway, holding the doors open.

Weiss: You've got the wrong man on trial.

She walks into the room and stops next to Jacques.

Weiss: I know who's been framing Ironwood, who rigged the election. And my father does, too. He's been working with him.

Jacques looks nervous, and Weiss sets the scroll that Willow gave her on the table and taps the screen, causing it to project a hologram screen into the air. The screen depicts a paused video of Jacques, Watts, and Volt in Jacques' office.

Camilla: Is that... Arthur Watts?

Fred: And Volt!

Sleet stands up.

Sleet: That's impossible! Dr. Watts died in the Paladin Incident years ago.

Jacques: Wha-- W-w-what is this?

Ironwood walks over.

Ironwood: Play it.

Weiss taps the play button on the Scroll, and the floating screen begins playing the video. As it plays, Jacques becomes more and more nervous, fidgeting with his hands and then his mustache, sweat quickly appearing on his brow.

Jacques: (in the video) That bastard is costing me more money every day with this embargo. I'd lay off every employee in Mantle if I wasn't trying to get their damn votes for this Council seat!

Watts: What if I said you could have your cake and eat it, too?

Jacques: (in the video) What did you have in mind?

Watts: James Ironwood never recognized my genius. After everything I gave him, he still disgraced me. I simply wish to return the favor.

Sleet watches the video in stunned silence and sits back down. Ironwood begins walking across the room toward Jacques.

Jacques: (in the video) What's in it for me?

Watts: A seat on the council. All I need is your login credentials for the Atlas network.

narrows her eyes and subtly shakes her head disapprovingly.

Watts: You promise to make Ironwood's life a waking nightmare, and I will guarantee you victory at the polls by giving the voters down in Mantle a little... "digital push" if you will.

Robyn watches with widened eyes, then grips a nearby chair and narrows her eyes angrily.

Jacques: (in the video) I always knew you were a good scientist, Arthur... but I never knew you were such a good salesman.

Ironwood comes to a stop near Weiss.

Ironwood: Enough.

In the video, Jacques cackles, and Weiss taps the Scroll's screen, pausing the video and making the floating screen disappear.

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