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Throughout the streets of Argus, Jaune, Ren, Nora, Fred, Ember and Saphron are walking down the sidewalk at night.

Nora: (calling out) Oscar?

Ren: This city's enormous, he could've gone anywhere.

Jaune: This is all my fault... I overreacted.

Fred: (Passes by) Yeah, you got that right.

Everyone stops as he keeps going. Saphron looks over to Fred and seems a bit annoyed.

Saphron: What's his deal?!

Jaune: That's...also my fault.

Ember: It's not just you, you know. Let's just hope everything goes smoothly enough to get him to calm down.

Saphron: Terra knows some nice relaxation methods, maybe she can-

Ember: Trust me. It wouldn't work.

Ember walks ahead to catch up to Fred while the rest of JNPR and Saphron stay behind. Ember stops Fred just before he was about to turn a bend.

Fred: What?

Ember: Talk to him. (Fred goes to say something but Ember cuts him off) I know, you don't want anymore stress right now, but you want unity. Start uniting. One person at a time.

Fred: I'm fine. Really.

The rest catch up and see Saphron isn't with them.

Ember: Where's Saph?

Jaune: Going to get Adrain. Now where do we go?

Nora: Hey, there's a cafe over there. Why don't we get something to warm up?

Jaune: I'm okay. You two go on ahead.

Ren and Nora watch Jaune walk away with sad looks on their faces. Jaune takes a seat on a nearby bench.

Nora: You don't want anything?

She and Ren then exchange a brief glance. Ember wraps his arms around their shoulders.

Ember: I'll go with them. Fred, how about you stay with Jaune and keep him company?

Fred: Fine. Just be back.

Ember: You got it boss. Let's roll.

The three walk off. Fred stands and looks out across the way while Jaune sits besides him. Jaune sighs a bit before getting up and walking over to Fred.

Jaune: Fred?

Fred: Yeah?

Jaune: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-

Fred: I don't want to hear it. (Jaune is taken aback) Everyone in this team is emotionally driven. A bunch of self-gratifying teenagers, a drunken old man and an actually insane woman!

Fred sighs and begins to walk a bit away from Jaune to collect his thoughts. He reaches into his coat and pulls out a small flask filled with cider from Brunswick and drinks some of it. Jaune walks over just as Fred puts it away. Jaune and he look each other in the eyes.

Fred: What?

Jaune: You know, if you want to talk about anything...

Fred: I think I've said enough. You just keep looking around. I know where the house is. I'll see you later.

Jaune reaches out but Fred walks away too fast. He rounds another corner and enters an ally way and places his hands on his knees and takes in a deep breath. He looks up and sees an image of his father surrounded by a light red flare.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now