Launch Base

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62 Days since Atlas Fell...

On a small island north of Vytal, seven of the largest Atlesian ships slowly arose from their launch sites. From the bridge of the leading cruiser, Admiral Nimitz stands, commanding his fleet of ships. Several Mantas and bullheads take off, flying out towards the same sight. A few Mistral airships also take off and fly out towards the line. All 20 airships stay put, arming their guns. From the central control tower, Ironwood stands with Qrow, Glynda and Mason. Qrow takes a few steps forward and peers out to the right.

There, the restored Amity Arena is slowly being built. He sighs a little as he watches Penny fly past the control tower and to Amity. She pushes a few plates into position, allowing welding teams to come on down and seal the plate into place. Glynda walked up to Qrow and looked at the arena as well.

Qrow: How certain are we that this thing will work?

Ironwood: Very certain. I trust Pietro and Leia's abilities to get these done.

Qrow: I'm not denying that. I'm asking if this could even be a good idea.

Mason: Qrow. This is to get global communications back up. It needs to be done. There is no other options for this! We don't do this, then we will lose!

Qrow: I'm asking to make sure she doesn't get any of our intel!

Ironwood: It's a chance we have to take. It's been the same way for years. And to be frank, I don't see you complaining when we sent global transmissions around.

Qrow: You're one to talk.

Glynda: Enough!

The two turned and looked to Glynda. She sighed a little and walked to the window.

Glynda: Now is not the time for these petty disagreements and arguments. We have a planet to save and a species to ensure survival. So, get a grip or so help me I will do what I must against both of you, understand?!

The two fell silent. They stepped back as Glynda sighed a little. She looked out and saw Penny fly around. Her green lights flickered red once more. However, she shuck it off and went back to work, flying around.

From her eyes, Dr. Watts could look through them, seeing everything. He is sitting at a console within Evernight. Beside him is Lavenza with Onyx and Salem standing behind them all. Watts laughs a little and spins around in his chair.

Watts: Well, it seems Pietro's stupidity has to lead to his downfall once again. Such a pathetic mess.

Onyx stepped up and looked through Penny's eyes.

Lavenza: Might I suggest sabotage? Killing the entirety of their leadership through her.

Watts: That would take some time. But I can do it.

Salem: No.

The three turn back and raise an eyebrow.

Onyx: What's your input then?

Salem: Give them the false hope they so desperately crave. Make them yearn for it. So desperate they will believe anything. Then snatch it all away, just the same.

Onyx nodded. He patted Watts' chair and walked away to join Salem.

Onyx: Keep up updated.

Watts nodded and resumed his work. Lavenza watched the two leaders leave and turned back to his old friend. Watts glanced back to him and rolled his eyes.

Watts: What's your problem? Last time I saw you like this, Elizabeth had just died.

Lavenza: For the sake of the mission, be fortunate I don't kill you here and now.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now