Evening Tutoring

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It was Friday afternoon with a single class left for the whole week before the semester exams. Currently, Yang Xiao Long and Ruby Rose were sitting in Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck's classroom, listening to the good doctor give his lecture while speeding around at high speeds. Currently, the sisters were on the verge of falling asleep in the classroom, mainly Yang, who had stayed up all night for a test in Professor Peach's class today.

However, what prevented her from falling asleep was both her desire to do good for mid-terms and one annoying boy behind her...Cardin Winchester. The boy was chuckling paper balls at Yang, Ruby and Jaune who was on the far side of Ruby. His goal was to tick Yang off, obviously, and he was doing a great job. Yang was about to explode with rage and turn around and rip his face off. Before the next paper ball could hit, a small fire appeared behind her head.

Yang glanced over and saw Frederic Scorch placing his hand back down on his desk. She knew it was him who stopped the paper. She gave him a faint smile to which Fred just nodded in response. As Fred returned focus on Oobleck's lecture, Leia Burns, his teammate, tabbed his shoulder.

Fred: (Whispering) Yeah?

Leia: (Whispering) He's getting ready for another throw. ETA 5.

Fred nodded and glanced back towards Cardin. As the paper was thrown, Fred ignited another small fire and burned the paper before it hit Yang. Cardin growled loudly enough that Oobleck took notice and looked directly at the young man.

Oobleck: Mr. Winchester. What seems to be the issue? If you wish to growl like a Beowolf, then please see Professor Port for a hunt.

The class laughed a bit at the comment against Cardin.

Cardin: Nothing...sir.

Oobleck: Good. Now! Back to our lesson!

Oobleck resumed the lesson as peace was had for a few minutes. However, Cardin continued his attacks, only now against Fred. As it kept up, Fred turned around before another ball hit and threw it back at Cardin, hitting him in the face. Ember Ignis, Fred's other teammate sitting furthest from him, laughed, as did Ruby, Yang, Jaune, Leia and May giggled a bit. Cardin growled once again and stood up. However, Oobleck once again took notice and looked directly at Cardin and Fred.

Oobleck: Mr. Winchester. Mr. Scorch. If you wish to fight, please, go to Ms. Goodwitch's arena. As for now, the both of you keep quiet. Mr. Winchester, see me after class.

However, just as he said that, the bell rung and the class was dismissed. Everyone got up and dashed out as Cardin was forced behind by Oobleck.

Jaune: Man, I hate that guy!

Ruby: Who? Cardin?

Jaune: Of course, Cardin!

Ruby: Yeah. You ok, Yang?

Yang: Yeah. I'm good.

Yang looked ahead and saw Team FLME ahead of them. Yang walked forward at a faster pace and caught up with Fred and his team.

Yang: Hey. (Fred glances at her) Thanks for the save.

Fred: Yeah. Sure. I'll see you tonight for tutoring.

Yang: Right. Library. 6 or 7?

Fred: 7. Later. I'm going to unwind.

Fred took off, leaving Yang in her place. Finally, everyone grouped together and watched as Fred walk off into the distance.

Jaune: Man. What's with that guy?

May: Ember?

Ember: He's stressed out. We'll talk to him about it. See you guys at dinner tonight.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now