The Dance

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In RWBY's dorm, Yang sits alone, laying on her bunk. The door opens and someone walks in and leaps up to her bed. Yang removes the book and sees Fred sitting on her bed.

Yang: Fred? What are you doing here?

Fred: I wanted to see you.

Yang: (Blushes) Why?

Fred: Just accept the fact that I'm here.

With that, Fred begins to lean into Yang's face. Yang begins to lean up to Fred's face as well. Just as their lips were about to meet...

Ruby: Yang!! Yang!

Yang is shocked out of her dream by her little sister.

Yang: What?

Ruby: Be careful with that speaker.

Yang turns her head to see that she was carrying, a large speaker meant for Beacon's dance.

Yang: Yeah, I know. (brushing her hands as she approaches Ruby) So, have you picked out a dress yet?

Ruby: What's the point? Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?

Yang: Oh, don't worry; she's going. (looks over off-screen, exasperated) Weiss! I thought we agreed: No doilies!

Weiss: (walks up to Yang, pointing in her face) If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!

The girls are interrupted by the sound of doors opening.

Neptune: (walking in with Sun) Your dance is gonna have fog machines?

Weiss: (stepping up to him, becoming sweet) We were thinking about it...

Neptune: That's pretty cool.

Sun: (coming into the scene, acting suave to Weiss' ire) You ladies all excited for dress-up

Ruby: Pfft... Yeah, right!

Yang: Laugh all you want. I'll be turning heads tomorrow night! Speaking of... I'll see you guys later. I've got something to take care of.


Inside FLME dorm, Fred is doing work for the investigation. Ember comes out of the bathroom dressed in a suit.

Ember: Well?

Fred: What's that for?

Ember: The dance. This weekend. Going with May.

Fred: Oh, yeah. That.

Ember: Aren't you excited?

Fred: I mean-

The door opens and Leia and May enter.

Leia: Oh, good you guys are here. Ember, we still need to get you a bow tie.

Ember: I know.

May: I still need a dress for it.

Leia: Alright fine. Fred, who you going with?

Fred: No-one. I'm not going.


Fred: Yeah. I just...didn't have any interest.

Leia: What about Yang?

Fred: You kidding me? She properly has a line of guys just waiting to ask her to this thing. Besides, why would she ask me?

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now