Training Days...Again

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Fred slowly walked outside the Xiao Long family home. He yawned a little and glanced around. His head turns a little as he looks out across the property. He takes a step forward and continues to look around. From the rooftop, a shadowy figure hangs over Fred. It jumps down and Fred slowly turns around and gasps before rolling forward. Fred turns around and raises his leg up to defend against another punch from Yang.

Fred leaps back a little as Yang continues her frontal assault. He evades a couple of hits and raises his arm up to block the fourth punch. Fred grunts, struggling to hold against it.

Fred: I'm just...trying to take out the trash.

Yang: So am I!

Fred: Very funny!

Fred raised his leg, kneeing Yang in the elbow. He spins around and goes in for a roundhouse kick, hitting Yang's right arm. She went in for a punch and Fred pulled his leg back to avoid before going in and pinning her left arm down.

Yang: We have waffles this morning.

Fred: I know. I saw.

Fred pulled his leg back and went in to knee Yang in the side. She grabbed his knee and Fred elbowed her in the face. Yang countered with a chop down onto his chest with her robotic hand. Fred caught her wrist and went up with a knee to her chin again. She took it, using her power, and keeps his leg in place. Fred uses the leg and twists it around her back and leaps up slightly, and lands on Yang's thigh, kicking off of her and flipping her around in the air.

Yang lands on her hands and knees, grunting a little as Fred stayed in his stance. Fred runs up to her and Yang quickly gets to her feet and starts to block his assault. Fred does his usual foot-based attacks, pushing Yang back a little towards the house. Once she is used back far enough, she leaps up and uses her feet off of the house wall to launch herself forward a bit. Fred flips her over himself and when she lands, it is her turn for an assault.

Yang throws a few punches towards Fred which he blocks with very little time left. As Yang goes in for another punch, Fred grabs her elbow and stops her. She grunts a little and goes in for an uppercut. Fred blocks it too as the duo pin one another down. Fred can feel himself being pushed back ever so slightly due to Yang's strength. Yang noticed this and smirked a little to herself.

Yang: Still a little slow.

Fred: Then stop pushing it.

Yang: I'm the one pushing it? (Laughs) Frederic Abraham Scorch.

Fred groaned a little, annoyed ever so slightly. Yang giggled a little which Fred presumed as an opening. Fred side-stepped Yang and brought his leg up to kick her in the face. Yang spun around, firing off a round from her metal arm and forcing her elbow into his face, sending Fred to the ground. Fred gripped his head a little as Yang aimed her arm down towards his face. Fred sighed a little, accepting defeat.

Yang smiled and offered her hand to help him up.

Yang: You did good.

Fred: Not good enough.

He took her hand and was pulled up. Yang sighed and dusted some of his clothes off.

Yang: You're still tough.

Fred: That won't be enough. We both know it won't be.

Yang sighed and stopped him from moving. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. Fred sighed a little and locked eyes with her, letting her cup his cheek in her hand. She smiled faintly.

Yang: We'll manage.

Maria: And if you don't, I'll break your bones.

Fred and Yang turned to the side as they saw Maria slowly walking up to the house. From her car also stepped out Leia and Ruby. Yang smiled and walked up to her sister and hugged her. Fred sauntered on up and knelt down in front of his grandmother.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now