Wake up and Smell the Love

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Yang is downstairs in the kitchen, cup of coffee in her hand. She takes a light sip of it, sighing a little and leaning back on the countertop. A small bark is heard and Yang smiles as she glances down to see Zwei before her. She knelt down and softly pet the dog as Zwei turned over onto his belly. Yang giggles a little as some light footsteps are heard. She looks forward and sees her father, Taiyang Xiao Long, walking into the kitchen.

Taiyang: Morning.

Yang: Hey, Dad.

Taiyang: How are you this morning?

Yang: Decent. You?

Taiyang: Same boat. Is he up yet?

Yang shook her head. Tai sighed a little and went over to a stove top and turned up the heat. Yang got up from her knee and looked over to him. She took a few steps to the fridge and pulled out some oranges, slowly peeling them.

Taiyang: Want to run out and try some more of those moves?

Yang: Sure. I need to get back in the groove of things anyway.

Taiyang: That's what I like to hear!

Yang snickered a little and join in on breakfast making. Eventually the two had their meal set and ready to go. This was the usual way of things after the second fall. She needed a place to lay him low, getting him to relax and heal up. And while here, she might as well catch up a little with her father. Just a way to get away from it all. Besides, it wasn't like she didn't get in contact with the others. She would call every week, they would visit her some times. It was a nice system for the most part.

Breakfast was usually a quick affair with them. And with how well the house has been kept up, Yang and her father went out back and got ready for some combat. Patch had gotten a little more populated since the Fall of Beacon. A few new homes had gone up along the pathways. Luckily the property was still unchanged, but it was a bit noise nowadays than many would care for.

Tai stepped up and raised his arms, getting to fight. Yang raised her own fists as well.

Taiyang: Now, remember. Think of your physical advantages and try to operate around them. Use them against me.

Yang took a deep breath and shifted her weight a little. She glared forward and fired off a shot from her right arm. She darted forward and began her attacks.

Back inside the bedroom, Fred's eyes slowly open for the first time in weeks. He blinks a little as a new weight is slightly applied to his chest. He groans in pain as Zwei walks up and begins to lick his face.

Fred: Blah. What the...Zwei?

Zwei barked and jumped down from the bed. Fred slowly sat up, grunting and groaning. He glanced down and saw his right arm in a cast with bandages along his chest. He grunted a little more as he forced himself up onto the bed.

Fred: Well, this is a new one.

He slowly stands up, stumbling a bit. He shields his knees from the sun as he glances outside.

Fred: Patch?

Fred then feels so liquid run down his arm. He glanced back and saw an IV bag attached to him. Fred nodded faintly.

Fred: That's...a new one...

Fred felt himself fall down onto the ground, head hitting the side of Yang's bed just before he went to pass out again. Zwei began to bark at Fred before running out of the room and out the door to the front yard.

Fred's eyes slowly opened once again. Same bed, same everything. The only difference was this time, Yang was sitting at a desk in the corner of the room. His eyes fluttered a little as he looked over to her, slowly reaching out.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now