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Fred walked past the operations office for Ace-Ops, RWBY, and JNR. Yang looks out from her seat to see Fred walking by, taking May with him as Ember walked inside the operations room. She glanced at the board and quickly back outside. She got up and quickly made her way outside. Ruby cocked her eyebrow and watched as her sister ran off. Yang ran down the hall to chase after the two members of FLME.

Yang: Hey! Guys!

Fred and May turn back to see Yang. Fred smiles slightly once she approaches.

May: Everything alright?

Yang: Yeah. Just...I want in.

Fred: Excuse me?

Yang: You know. Black-ops. I want in!

Fred: I'm...not so sure about that one.

Yang: Why not?

Fred: It's...insanely dangerous with his amount of risk. I can't-

Yang: Fred. It's me!

May: She does have a point. If she can put up living with you, I'm sure she can put up with anything.

Fred: What's that supposed to mean?!

May: Don't worry about it. (To Yang) Come on. I'll show you the way.

Yang walked past Fred and winked at him as she walked off. Fred sighed and walked off after the two. A door opened and May guided Yang inside. The room was somewhat dimly light with a table in the center displaying a hawk with the name "BLACKHAWKS" under it. Around the table is Marrow, Stonewall, and Solomon. Fred walks in behind the girls and up to the table.

Marrow: Uh, I don't think Clover approved a member switch.

Fred: Well, it's best if we get everyone who knows about the witch for this operation. Plus, I'd rather have more powerhouses for this one.

Stonewall: Understandable. Mission report, Commander.

Yang: (Smirks) Commander?

Fred: (Sighs; to himself) Not a commander. (Out loud) Alright. Listen up, Hawks. (Presses some keys) Our mission today is a smash and grab. This old facility here once belonged to Volt. Labs. But since the good doctor "disappeared" 22 years ago, and his wife and Dr. Rockefeller were found dead at Volt's private residence the entire estate has been on lockdown with all their belongings still inside.

Solomon: Full of data. Such as old projects.

Fred: Exactly. That's where we come in. We infiltrate the lab and pull out whatever data we can.

May: Wouldn't people related to the company have already done this?

Fred: High chance but the general wants it burned anyway. Might as well pick up on any intel left behind. But, we need this to look natural. People will start popping with questions when an entire building falls down.

Solomon: And we do that how exactly?

Fred: Dust. We trigger a dust explosion. Marrow, Solomon. That's all on you two. Set it up and I'll tell you when to knock it down.

The two nodded.

Fred: Stonewall, you will be hitting this spot here. (Fred points to a red dot) That was Lavenza's old lab. See what files you can't pull from it. May, you're handling recon. I want eyes in the skies, call out targets as we work inside. This place could still be littered with Grimm or even some security systems. Be on your guard everyone!

Yang: And me?

Fred: You and I are looking into the first crime scene and where Volt's most private files are located. The master hall itself.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now