The Vytal Festival

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The school year has come to an end. Fred and the rest of his team is walking Ruby and Yang to the docks. While Ruby is skipping ahead with Zwei, Fred and Yang walk hand in hand with Yang giving a sad look. Fred takes notice.

Fred: Hey, what's up?

Yang: I-I'm just gonna miss you, that's all.

Fred: (Chuckles) It's only for a week. Besides you'll have your Dad and sister.

Yang: I guess. (She embraces Fred who also wraps his arms around her.) Then it's right back to ya.

Fred: Yep. (The stop their embrace as Yang begins to walk to the airship.) What? Don't I get a goodbye kiss?

Yang: Oh, you want a goodbye kiss, eh?

Fred: Well you've passionate about kissing me before.

Yang: Alright. Close your eyes.

Fred: (Chuckles) Ok.

Instead of feeling Yang's lips, dog tongue is what he feels. His eyes open, as he sees Zwei licking him. Fred begins laughing as does Yang while Fred face is covered with dog sloper.

Fred: Alright, Zwei. I'll miss you too.

While Yang is laughing, Fred wipes some of the sloper off his face. He smirks and grabs Yang and pulls her closer.

Yang: F-Fred. Nonono!

Fred wraps his left arm around Yang, holding her close while his right is near her face with dog sloper from Zwei.

Fred: Careful. Careful! I do NOT want to get this in your hair.

The two continue to laugh when Zwei barks.

Ruby: Yang! C'mon! The ship's gonna leave soon!

Fred let's go of Yang and throws the sloper on the ground.

Fred: You better get going.

Yang: Yeah. I'll miss you.

Fred: (Caresses Yang's left cheek) I'll miss you too.

Yang and Ruby enter the airship and prepare to leave Beacon for Patch. As they airship leaves Ember walks up next to his brother.

Ember: You'll miss her.

Fred: Yes. Yes I will.


On Patch, the Xiao Long-Rose Family are having a long awaited family meal.

Ruby: And then there was this big explosion, like, blahmo!! And I think Jaune broke a rip?

Taiyang: Alright, sweetheart. Slow down before you pop a lung.

Ruby: Sorry, Dad. I'm just super hyped up for the tournament.

Yang: Yeah. You wouldn't believe how much the teachers have been building it up.

Taiyang: Remember, I was also in that tournament. Twice.

Ruby: Eh, we can handle it. I mean if we can handle the White Fang, gangsters and Yang can handle her boyfriend. We can-

Taiyang begins to spit out his drink, causing water to squirt out of his mouth.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: Whops. He he. Sorry.

Taiyang: Since when do you have a boyfriend?!

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now