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Fred is sitting at the bar of the guest house owned by Leia's family. Rather than drinking alcohol, Fred takes a sip of apple cider and has a depressed look to him. The front door opens and Ember, Leia and May walk into the house with two bags and walk into the kitchen. The three look at Fred with sadness. Fred peers up and looks at his teammates.

Fred: Yeah?

Leia: Your destroying yourself.

Fred: So?

May: Fred, look at yourself. You just been hear training, looking at maps and doing nothing else.

Fred: Nothing else matters right now.

Ember: Not even Yang?

Fred slams the glass on the counter.

Fred: She means everything to me! (Sighs and clams down) I just don't want to reminder her of Beacon.

Leia: So you think by staying away from her when she needs you most will make her better?

Fred: Yes! No! I don't know. Maybe?

Ember: You ask me, that's pretty stupid.

Fred: Well no one asked.

Ember: Just giving you my two scents.

May: You sure you don't want to see her?

Fred: I don't want to hurt her.

Leia: I doubt you will.

Fred: I'm not sure. I really just-

Leia: Try at least. For Yang.

Ember: Second that.

Fred: You think she won't hate me?

May: I think she'll like it.

Fred: I'm still not sure. I mean, what about her father?

Leia: Big whoop! Just go. Warm her up in this cold day.

Fred: One, never make that joke. I don't care if it's snowing outside, just don't. Second, I mean...I just-

May: It's been a whole month since Beacon fell. You need to see her. For both your sakes.

Fred: What about-

Ember: Go you idiot!

Fred: (Sighs) Fine. I'll go.

Leia: That's the spirit!


Fred pulls up to a pathway leading down to the Xiao Long-Rose house. He sighs and gets off Crimson Dynamo and begins to walk up to the house. Before knocking on the door, Fred takes a deep breath.

Fred: (To himself) You can do this. You can do this. She's your girlfriend. She'll like this, right?

Fred knocks on the door to the house. After taking a step back he takes another deep breath in. The door finally opens with Taiyang standing in the doorway.

Fred: Mr. Xiao Long, sir. I was wondering-

Taiyang steps out of the way and gestures up stairs.

Taiyang: Second floor, third room on the right going left.

Fred: Thank you.

Fred walks inside and up the stairs to the room Taiyang told him about. Fred finds the door is shut and opens it slightly to see Yang, wide awake and lying in a bed looking out the window. Fred opens the door completely and walks inside.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now