Day at the Beach

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Along the coast of Vale, an orange color sports car pulls up along with the Crimson Dynamo. Out of the car steps out Ember, Leia and May, all wearing swimsuits. Ember simply has an orange shorts on and aviator sunglasses. Leia burns has a simple, two piece bikini on while May has a one piece suit on. Fred gets off of his bike wearing red swim shorts and a white tank top on.

Leia: (Deep breath) See! This is what we needed! A day to ourselves with good friends.

Fred: Easy for you to say.

Leia: What? Jealous that some beach guys have already taken Yang?

Fred: Yes. 100% yes.

Leia: That's not really surprising all that much.

Ruby: Hey! Guys!

Team FLME turn around to see Ruby and Yang coming up to greet them. Ruby was wearing a similar style of suit that may was only it was red and not pink. Yang was also wearing a two piece like Leia. While everyone was happen to see one another, Fred simply looked in awe of his girlfriend, mouth the words "Holy Crap" to Ember.

While Fred knew his girlfriend was very attractive physically, he never could imagine her like this.

May: Hey guys. How are things?

Ruby: Good as always! Now, come on, everyone else is already on the beach! We've got a good spot.

Ember grabs some things from the car as does Leia and May and they follow Ruby onto the beach. Yang watches them go on and turns back to Fred who is still in shock and awe of her.

Yang: Like what you see?

Fred: I-er a...(Incoherent sounds.)

Yang: (Chuckles) I'll take that as a yes. Hey, it's the beach, shirt off.

Fred: Oh, uh, yeah.

Fred removes his shirt and Yang suddenly grows a large blush over her cheeks as she finally sees Fred's six-pack. While she had seen plenty before, it was mainly due to her original attraction to Fred which leads her blush harder than ever before.

Fred: Yang? Yang, you ok?

Yang: Uh, yeah. Fine. (She places a hand on his chest and another on his abs.) Really fine.

Fred: He, he. (He takes her hands into his) Let's go meet up with the others.

Yang: Right.

The two walk down to the beach. After a few minutes, the two are sitting on a beach towel with an umbrella. Over to the right, two tents are set up with Teams FLME, RWBY, JNPR, Sun and Neptune all sitting around. JNPR is having a sandcastle battle, trying to control Nora. Sun, Ruby, Weiss and Leia are playing volleyball. Neptune is far off, flirting with some girls. Blake is under the tent, reading and May and Ember are cuddled up to one another as May is reading one of Blake's books and Ember is just watching the ocean.

Ember: (Sighs) Yeah, we needed this.

Blake: (Points to Fred and Yang) They needed this.

Over with Fred and Yang, Fred is sitting upright with Yang leaning against him. Everything seems nice and quiet until a beachball hits Fred in the side of the head. Some minor laughing heard and Fred glares over to a group of guys laughing at the scene unfolding. Yang gets up and grabs the ball and begins to march over to them but is stopped by Fred.

Fred: It's not worth it.

Yang chucks the ball towards the group and it hits one and falls to the ground. Yang gives a triumphant smile and goes back to Fred. Instead of sitting down next to him, she lies down and places her head on his lap instead. Shocked at first, Fred just accepts it and places a hand on her stomach and the other begins to stroke her hair.

Everything Stays: Frederic Scorch X Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now